Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Going in Reverse?

Our little girl is growing up - almost 3 months already! She is such a little blessing and full of smiles for mom and dad. But in the last week she has decided to revert to newborn sleeping habits again. Last night she had me up every 2.5 - 4 hours. After experiencing such great sleeping from her the first couple of months I'm frustrated with this turn of events! I'm really hoping it's just a growth spurt. This is yet another prime example of babies switching things up on you just when everything was going so well...

We also seem to be back-tracking a little in the soother department - but I'll admit it's partly my fault! I used to keep Micah's soothers up high on a shelf and only give them to him for sleeping, but after awhile I figured he knew the rules and I started leaving them on his dresser. In the last couple of weeks he's started "self-medicating" when he gets cranky or hurt. He'll tell me he's "really sleepy" and then head to his bed for a few minutes to have his nukies. I admit I appreciate the moments of quiet and the fact that he comes back out feeling happier. But in the last couple of days it's gotten a little excessive. He's a soother ADDICT! I think those soothers will have to go back up on the shelf again...


  1. Your little girl is getting so big. I think she might be going through a growth spurt. That might be she si getting hungry sooner than later. But I usually say this "take a day at a time" and I'm soon things will be back to normal for you guys.

  2. Keziah is beautiful!! Hang in there!!!

    I was just thinking to myself this morning that we were going backward with the paci's!! I agree, quiet is NICE!!!

    Have a good day!

  3. Jake sees Livi with a soother and needs one too... I have come to terms with it. I think a lot of it has to do with teething and that it feels good to chew on something (we've been fighting to get these eye teeth through for months and months now). He calls them 'nigh nights' and when ever Olivia has one he needs one. She rarely uses one though. I think everything is a stage and constantly tell myself 'this too shall pass'! As for your girl- I bet it is just a growth spurt- I think most hit one around 3 months or so. That must be frustrating though! Could you feed her a little more during the day? Maybe that would help at night. A few weeks ago Olivia needed a night feeding for a night or two and then went back to her regular sleeping habits. Where is the owner's manual for our babies anyways??? :)I just had Liv weighed today... over 13 lbs!!

  4. Yeah, I know all about the soother addiction....

  5. some days i wonder why i even brought a soother into our house. hannah never was reliant on then EVER. but in the past few months will schlemm and want it all the time. her dad and i have different rules about it, so she's getting very mixed messages.

  6. Keziah is looking SO much like Micah these days :) In a very cute girly sort of way though!!

    It's SO hard when they back track and as much as they don't want them to do something (ie have a soother, or sleep in our bed-that's our problem sometimes with H) if it really does help or make them feel better it's easy to give it. Sometimes it is WAY easier to not make a fuss and just live with it, heeehee. And it's not like he's going to be taking it with on his first day of Kindergarten. But I can totally see what you mean! Hailey never had a soother, and we'll see how it goes with baby #2!

  7. Hey James!! How are things? I can't believe how big Keziah is!! She looks so big already. Such a cutie!

    I know all about the soother thing too! Reed LOVED his soother!! I would hide it in a basket when he woke up though and he could only have it for naps and for bed time then. Micah looks too big for the soother compared to Keziah you know, but I know Reed had his for awhile after I had Riley too. I think it was just before or near to him turning two that we got rid of it. I just took it away for nap time one day. It was weird, I just decided we were doing it and that was it! And he did pretty good. It was a little difficult for a couple of days but he soon forgot it actually! I also got him sleeping with a stuffed teddy bear so he had some sort of replacement security and that seemed to help. But make sure you don't misplace teddy!!! That is not fun when that happens!!! I know what you mean about it being nice to have the quiet and maybe that's just the way it needs to be now???! You'll know what to do and just do it. Anyway, good luck!

  8. Sounds ROUGH Jamie! You poor thing! I hope for your sake it IS just a growth spurt...that would be pretty tough to get used to when she's been great up until now. And the soother addiction...sounds kind of cute, although I understand its not ideal :)
    Hope you guys had a good weekend!

  9. Hi (nice to meet you!) My son Aiden will steal my baby daughter's soother and pop it in his mouth! He hasn't cared about a soother since he was six months! And now he sits in the swing and bouncy chair, and has to have tummy time with her. Apparently being a baby is SO much fun!
    I hope you'll get more sleep soon! Oh the joy of young babies!

  10. How old were your kids when you gave them soothers? In prenatal they said to wait till breast feeding is down but I want to know what others did.

  11. newborns are just odd :-) I still dont get taite!

  12. i know what you mean about the soother! if Kamryn brings a blanket & a teddy into the living room with her suckie, she thinks that's OK. i ask her what she's doing with her suckie and she quickly says "going nite nite mommy!" and lies down and closes her eyes. ahhhh!!
    but yet, she only gets them at nite, so i'm not too worried about it yet. they are still little, and if it makes them happy - well, so be it!!

  13. keziah is looking great! i've been super tired and busy with the two kids...you still seem to get time to do decent blog entries...how do you get the time?

    take care!
