Thursday, February 22, 2007

3 Months

Keziah Katherine is 3 months old today!

Keziah is becoming more social all the time. She loves to sit up in her bouncy chair and watch her big brother playing. She hates being held like a baby now and wants to face out and look around. One major difference that I've noticed between her and Micah is that she rarely wakes up crying. She often greets me with big smiles when I go to get her from her crib. And she "talks" a lot, too - sometimes she talks the most when she's starting to get sleepy. It's very cute :)

I haven't had Keziah weighed for about a month but I took her with me on our bathroom scale this morning and I'm guessing she weighs about 14 or 15 lbs. She's well into 3-6 month clothes already! (At this age Micah weighed about 13 or 14 lbs. )

As I mentioned in my last post, her nighttime stretches are getting shorter instead of longer and we've been averaging around 4-5 hours for the past week and a half. She's also more difficult to put down to sleep than Micah was. She constantly fights her sleep and will practically squirm right out of my arms when I try to rock her. I remember that I started letting Micah cry at around 4 months and within a couple of days he went down with barely a fuss. I'm planning to do the same with Keziah and hopefully it will work for her too.

Now we are looking forward to a visit from my mom. She'll be flying in from Manitoba on Saturday and staying for 10 days. We decided that she will sleep in Micah's room, so today I made a big deal of making Micah a special bed on Mommy & Daddy's floor. He was really excited about it and he went down for his nap in there today with no problems!


  1. What a little cutie pie! She sure is getting pretty. Great pictures!

  2. Happy 3 months birthday, Keziah! Cute pictures - what a hunny! I hope you all enjoy the visit from your mom, Jamie!

  3. Hello Jamie:

    A number of months ago, I got an email from my aunt, who directed me to your nephew Noah's site. I can't remember her connection with's a little bit '7 degrees of Kevin Bacon'-ish (!) She did that because my son has PRS too, but that's besides the point...
    I was back checking that blog and noticed a comment you had made, followed your link and here I am! You've got some beautiful kids! I liked your Valentines post too--very sweet.
    The reason I wanted to write, was after I saw your location. I was a little startled, and it's a long story why. I would sure appreciate you visiting a blog I've got set up to help my sister Tatum....its at It'll explain this (rather weird, I'll admit!) comment. I'd really appreciate hearing back from you, just leave a comment on any of my blogs.

  4. I just had to say that Keziah looks exactly like you in the fourth picture!! it's like a mirror image! she's so beautiful.. hope things will start getting better with those nights!

  5. i was going to say the same thing as Ellen - she looks SOOO much like you! she's gorgeous!!
    i'm excited that you will have some help for a couple of days! enjoy the visit!
    love you!

  6. I think everyone from Manitoba is going to BC this weekend..he mom and dad leave for BC Saturday morning also, and they'll be in Abbotsford for a night styaing with our old Pastor and his family, going to church with them on Sunday, and then heading out to Victoria! I hope you enjoy your time with your mom!

  7. 3 months already!!?! Wow time flies, hey!? She looks more and more BEAUTIFUL each day! And I agree, she looks a lot like you in that last picture (though I still see Erik in her too) :)
    Have a great time with your mom Jamie!

  8. Hey James!! You are so good at posting so often! You are such a faithful picture taker and blogger!! Keziah looks beautiful! Happy 3 month birthday, Keziah!!

  9. soooo cute! i should have remembered yesterday was her 3 month cuz it was taeya's 9 month. crazy how fast it's going. i can't believe she's 3 months already! She is soooooo gorgeously cute! i hope she can learn to sleep well soon. at least there's the hope that it will be better some day! i hope it's sooner than later though!
    cool that your mom is coming! that will be nice.

  10. hi there. I can hardly wait to see you all tomorrow. I is stormy here, so pray my flight is not delayed tomorrow. I am excited to sleep in your big boy bed Micah. love grnany

  11. Oh my gosh, she is so beautiful! I can't believe she is so big already, it seems like I was checking your blog and talking to Rosanna about the day she would finally arrive.
    Yeah for family! Enjoy it to the fullest!

  12. what a beautiful little 3monther! just gorgeous

  13. Your little girl is so precious. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  14. Wow, 3 months already! It seems like just yesterday we were all anticipating her birth :) She just keeps getting more & more beautiful each day Jamie!

    Love Micah's bed...there is probably a lot more room for all of the things he "needs" to take to bed with him there too :)

  15. Happy three months!!! have fun with Granny!

  16. What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!
    Auntie Hilda

  17. She sure is bright-eyed in that one picture. It's crazy how fast babies grow. It seems like just yesterday I was looking at your blog wondering when the baby was going to come.
