Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

To my husband, Erik, who...

- works hard every day so that I can stay at home with the kids
- was brave enough to start his own business and is doing an amazing job!
- makes me laugh every day
- is such a hands-on parent - Thank you!
- loves the Lord and surrenders each day to Him
- is pretty hot stuff for a dad!

To my son, Micah, who...

- amazes me every day with the things he says and does
- loves the Brian Doerksen song "Holy God" and asks for it anytime we're in the car
- makes me smile and laugh constantly
- loves to read books and has some of them memorized!
- blows me kisses and helps me sing the Veggie Tales "I love you" song...

To my daughter, Keziah, who...

- greets me with a smile every time she wakes up
- is the most beautiful baby girl!
- trusts me implicitly just because I'm her mom

I love you!!


  1. That is so sweet. And what a great picture! :)

  2. That was sweet. I'm sure your family loves and appreciates you just as much!

  3. What a nice post Jamie! Hope you guys have a wonderful Valentine's Day! You deserve it :)

  4. I'm sure Erik, Micah and Keziah would have a list just as long for you, Jamie! Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. This was such a nice post Jamie!! I'm sure your just as much a blessing to them, as they are to you!

  6. That post is so adorable. It is precious the way Keziah's eyes are wide open when Micah is giving her a kiss on the cheek. So precious. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY. Enjoy your day.

  7. Enjoy your day with your 3 loves :) That picture is so sweet!

  8. Cute pic, Jamie. We are truly blessed with our beautiful kids and great hubbies aren't we! God is so Good!!

  9. Ahhh... what a sweet family of 4! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day!!
