Monday, February 12, 2007

"Baby Za-Ziah"

That's the name that Micah affectionately calls Keziah. Sometimes he adds some extra za's and it turns into "Baby Za-za-za-ziah!" :)
I took a couple of videos on the weekend of Keziah talking (baby-talk that is...) She's getting really vocal and really smiley. I love it. This first video is of both of the kids - Keziah talking and Micah jumping around and just being silly. I'm trying Google Video instead of Dropshots to avoid the sound delay, but the videos may not work right away. I'm trusting Kelly that they will work eventually so you may have to check back to try them again a little later...

And here is Keziah on her changetable. You can tell there's a tickle in her nose and she finally sneezes it out right at the end!

Here's our all-Canadian boy wearing the Oilers jersey he got from Uncle Joel & Auntie Laura. We had some nice weather this weekend and him & Erik had fun playing hockey out on the driveway.

Today Micah and I baked some Valentine's Day inspired cookies. Micah mostly licked beaters and ate sprinkles, but he was happy!

Keziah fell asleep in her bouncy chair while we were busy in the kitchen. She has a really cute habit of sucking on her fingers and in this picture she had found her blanket and shoved it in her mouth before dozing off...

I was so excited to get two packages in the mail today. I've been doing a little shopping on ebay lately (who knew it could be so addicting!) and I found these two pairs of crib shoes for Keziah. They're Robeez knock-offs from Gymboree and they are SO cute! The pink ones will fit her right now and the blue ones will fit her in a few months. I bought them from two different sellers but happened to get them BOTH in the mail today - SO exciting!!


  1. gotta love gymboree! the shoes rock.

  2. I haven't allowed myself to look on e-bay too much because I know I'll want to buy stuff! Those shoes are really cute, and I have noticed that they sell robbies and what not on e-bay and it sounds cheaper than buying them new. HOw much were the ones you got? If it's a good price I might just have to put away my restrictions and have a look for myself! lol

  3. Sadly, the videos weren't working so I guess I'll have to check back later (guess I have something to look forward too now :) ) but those are really cute pics of the kids. And the shoes look adorable! I keep hearing about what a wonderful thing Ebay is...haven't tried it for myself yet.
    Wasn't the weekend weather awesome!?

  4. I would love to leave a comment, but you have my typing "" into the address bar as fast as I can...

  5. I promise you the videos will work eventually! :)
    LOVE the shoes. SOOO cute!

  6. Love ebay! And I love those little blue elephant slippers! So cute!

  7. gotta love ebay!! and those cookies look yummy! I am planning to make some today just like that for our moms group. But i need to go buy a heart cookie cutter

  8. Hi Jamie. Those cookies look so good and tasty. I love the picture of Keziah sleeping on her chair. So adorable. I also love the shoes. So cute.

  9. Renee - I spent about $13 US for the pink pair and about $10 US for the blue pair (that's including the shipping). About the same price that you pay for the crib shoes at Target and I liked these ones a lot better :)

  10. HI jamie. I just looked at your videos. So cute. I love it when babies start to coo and babble, and the faces they make when their about to sneeze. So adorable.

  11. Awwww... I love the videos!
