Thursday, February 08, 2007


Last night I left Erik at home with both kids for a couple of hours. He admitted he was kind of nervous to be alone with both of them and asked me how I did this all day long! He did fine, though and Keziah took her bottle like a pro. When I came home, Micah ran to me to show me a band-aid on his chin. I guess he wanted to be just like Daddy and had been wearing it all evening :)

Keziah has seemed to settle into a consistent 7-hour night stretch. She has done up to 9 hours in the past, but lately no matter how much I try to feed her in the evening, she won't go much past 7 and a half. I'm satisfied though, especially since she goes back down easily after her night feed and sometimes sleeps for another 4 hours. I still swaddle her tightly for all of her naps and bedtime. She takes a soother for sleeping and we've also found that she falls asleep much easier with a light receiving blanket over her face. Here she is yesterday during a late afternoon nap: face half-covered under a blanket and one arm escaped from the swaddle...


  1. The boys and their "boo-boos" are cute!

  2. What a sweetheart...I love the picture of Keziah!
    Lucky girl-a night off! Where did you go? Looks like Erik did should escape on your own more often!!

  3. Oh how kids are cute when they want to be like their parents. :0)
    Did you give her a bottle of formula or your milk? Was that your firt time you gave her the bottle?

  4. Awww!!! That is soo adorable. The pictures are soo cute. I guess that is what they mean when they say "Like Father,Like Son."

  5. Karen - I met with a "TREK-er" that I'm mentoring during our time on the leadership team. We went out for supper and then I snuck over to Michael's for awhile too. It was glorious!

    Rebekah - I gave her my own milk. I haven't tried formula with her yet and I probably won't for a few months yet. She's taken the bottle before, but I've always been around in case she rejects it and needs to nurse.

  6. What precious children you have!!!!

    And that picture of, I bet I could sit and stare at her all day if she were mine :) She just looks so peaceful! Cute, cute, cute.

  7. Happy to hear you got a night deserved it :)

  8. Oh, that is so sweet! I love it when hubbys can recognize and appreciate everthing that their wives do. That is so nice that he asked you how you do that all day. Well, I guess he is getting a little taste of what you do in a day. Hope they had fun having daddy to themselves. Hope you enjoyed yourself!

  9. Keziah's cheeks look very kissable!! One of my favorite things is when I wake Liv up for a feeding and unwrap her from her little 'burrito' and she stretches her little body out!! Nothing as precious as a little babe all swaddled up. Both Liv and Jake loved (Liv still does, obviously) something by their face. I have great clothes from Germany that Ramona gave me that are breathable and soft. What precious kids, as always!!

  10. SO glad you got out for an evening! i've never seen erik clean-shaven! I guess stiches will do that to you.
    I am SOO glad keziah sleeps long stretches like that. And that picture of her sleeping is soooo adorable!

  11. my kids always loved a little recieving blanket by the face.
    ouchy on the stitches!!

  12. Yay for a night out! I wanted one last night, but Ryan (my hubby) begged to take James along because he wanted to show him off. I'm a little envious of your 7 hour nights... I don't understand why James can't do that!

  13. Wooo good for hubby taking the kids out! thats awesome. Travis hasnt done it yet ;-) im waiting for the day he does.
    And im sooo jealuos of the 9 and 7 hr stretches.. UGH! :-D

  14. Love the pictures, Jaime. Keziah all pretty in pink! Way to go Eric for giving you a break!

  15. jamie, i just checked out your scrapbook blog.... i love it!
