Friday, March 02, 2007

Fun with Granny

We've been having fun with my mom this week! Yesterday we went to visit Erik at his new job site close to the Sumas border. Him and Nathan were working on the first floor walls of this new house. The completed house that you see in the background is one that they worked on previously.

Micah got to help daddy with the hammering and Uncle Nathan let him throw a snowball in his face right before we took the last picture :) What is with all this snow anyway?

Afterwards, Granny treated us to lunch at McDonald's. We got Micah his very own grilled cheese Happy Meal (for the first time) and he almost polished the whole thing off!

And here's a picture of "Baby Za-ziah" from this past week. Having my mom around has enabled me to spend more one-on-one time with her and I'm finding that I can keep her up a lot longer between naps if I can play with her (not something I always have time for with Mr. Micah around). It seems to be helping her sleep a bit better at night, too. And the other day she giggled for the first time. SO adorable! Now I'm trying everything I can to get her to do it again!

Today we're off to Bellingham. I think Target is my favourite store!


  1. Hooray for a Target run!!!! I get to go shop in the states next weekend - we are going to Fargo. We'll be hitting the Target there and in Grand Forks on the way home. I LOVE that store!!

    I'm sure you'll come away with lots of new summer clothes for your kids..FUN!

  2. Totally need to go to target. I checked it out on line, and they have these great disney Cars sheet sets. Ryken is ALLL about cars these days.

  3. I wish we were that close to the US border!! Sounds like you have been having a great time!!

  4. Glad to hear you're having so much fun with your mom---I must admit I could go for a little McD's right about now :) Keziah is looking beautiful as ever, and its nice that you can get her back into some better sleeping habits while your mom is here.
    Hope you guys had fun in Bellingham---I am so jealous you got to go to Target---LOVE that place too!

  5. Hey Jamie,
    Your family is so beautiful! Life has sure changed since Bethany huh?! I like to check out your website every once in a while! You are totally faithful to keeping it updated. Way to go!
    Lisa (Laxdal) Loeppky
    (Kalan's mommy - he is almost 28 months now)
    (Janeah's mommy - she is 7.5 months now)
    I don't have a site but our email is

  6. Hi Jamie. That's great that you are having a fun time with your mom. Aren't giggles the greatest? Cute pictures of your kids and husband.

  7. Hey jaime, Im working on a website for a friend of mine. Its a mom/parenting website. and well in the header I want childrens photos and was wondering if you cared if I used that photo of Micah wrapped up in the blanket? Its adorable. Let me know thanks!
