Monday, February 26, 2007

Granny's Here!

My mom arrived here to a snowy Abbotsford afternoon on Saturday. Thankfully the snow has melted and we should be getting a bit of sunshine this week. Mom and I were both happy to see that Micah seems to remember "Granny" this time and is willing to sit with her and play with her rather than crying for Mommy & Daddy all the time. It's nice for me that Micah has someone around who's willing to watch The Doodlebops or Boowa & Kwala on the computer with him...

And here's a picture from the other day. We were washing bedding and after Micah "helped" me make our bed again I rolled him up in the duvet like a burrito. Yum!


  1. Have fun with your mom!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. jamie. Have fun with your Mom this week.

  4. That is one of the cutest burritos I have ever seen!! Say hi to your mom from me- have fun with her!

  5. What a cute burrito! :) Hope you have an awesome time with your mom...good to hear Micah is already!

  6. that's nice your mom could come for a visit! I'm sure you'll appreciate the extra help now that you have 2 kids, I'm sure I would. Lucky for me though I'm blessed to have my mom in the same place that I'm in, so most times she does more than what's needed! But I guess that's what moms are for right?!
    Enjoy the visit! And cute burrito by the way! lol

  7. Jamie, this has nothing to do with your post, but I didn't know how else to ask you! lol
    Do you have a breast pump? What kind do you have? What have you heard of different brands..etc?
    Whenever you get the chance could you e-mail me at I'm trying to get a few peoples opinions who have just had kids! I'm due in 2 months and I'd really like to figure out what I'm gonna do for a pump because I really want one, and think it's the easiest way. Thanks!!

  8. thats an awesome pic of micah in the bed sheet! I love it.

  9. i thought I left a comment but I guess I didnt! Have fun with Granny Micah and Keziah!

  10. have a great time with your mom sweets!!! i LOVE that pic of Micah - though i don't like burritos, i have a liking for THAT one!!

  11. haha! micah, that looks like fun!

  12. That is a yummy looking burrito! Too cute! Enjoy your week...

  13. Have fun with your mom. It's great that she could come out there for a visit.
