Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just when you get ONE figured out...

The good news is that Keziah's sleeping seems to be improving over the last few nights. Last night she was only up once to eat! But unfortunately it was my two-year-old that had me up all night! You just can't win :)

I'm not exactly sure what's up with him but lately he's been resisting going to bed in the first place which has never been a big issue for him. Last night he went to bed OK, but it was about 1:30 a.m. when the shenanigans started. Micah's always been bad for night-waking. As a baby I worried that he was hungry and I usually just fed him (during our 3-month ministry trip when he was around 6 months, I felt so bad for the inconsistency and lack of schedule that I was back to nursing him every 3 hours at night). Later I wondered if maybe he was teething or sick or scared...

But now I'm convinced he's waking up for two basic reasons: 1) habit & 2) manipulation. He's a toddler and he knows how to use that piercing cry to make mom and dad come running. I know it's not a "real" cry because anytime we've succumbed and climbed into bed with him or brought him into our bed, he's happy as a lark - ready to play in the middle of the night. So, this has got to come to an end. I decided to implement the "going to bed" routine from Super Nanny for Micah's night-wakings. She says you shouldn't talk to them or even make eye contact - basically don't engage with them at all. And keep putting them straight back in bed even if it means over and over again. And last night was over and over again. At one point Erik was ready to give up and climb into bed with him but by that point I was wide awake and wanting to prove my point so I didn't let him give in. (Wow, I just said 'point' 3 times in that sentence!) Anyway, I got in and out of bed more times than I cared to count and then finally all was quiet at about 3 a.m. And then I was so wide awake that it took me awhile to fall back asleep.

We faced a similar scenario at nap time today but it only took me 3 times of putting Micah back in bed before he stayed. I'm hoping that we can stop this bad habit once and for all. I've been scheming a way to get rid of Micah's soothers and had planned it for next weekend but all these poor nights have made me wonder what I'm getting myself into. But then my mom told me on the phone today that it might be as good a time as any since he's not sleeping well anyway... I'll let you know what we decide :)

I couldn't post without including a couple of pictures from the last few days.

Keziah was helping her Daddy with his blue prints last night after supper...

Here is Micah stealing a kiss :) He seems to be fully adjusted to Keziah's presence in the house and is even starting to show interest in playing with her. It has taken him awhile to warm up though and from talking to other moms of 2 or more it seems to be more of a 'girl thing' to be maternal and affectionate with a younger sibling. I'm eagerly awaiting the day when they will be able to entertain one another...


  1. I decided to take away Luke's soother last week (he's 2 1/2). He only had it for nap... but now everyday is a fight to get him to sleep. The first few days he cried for his soother, now it's "i can't sleep" "i need to go pee" "it's too dark" ANYthing to try to get out of it. I wondered if I had done the right thing, but why turn back now when we'd just have to do it eventually. Good luck if you choose to do it now... and I agree with your mom...

  2. makes me wonder if we should be weaning Taeya from her soother now...yikes - too scary to think about. I hope your hard work pays off and helps micah to break his night-waking habits!
    ps. i'd love to get a picture of Keziah and Taeya in their matching shirts (from that last picture)

  3. I hope you can get the sleeping under control. I like the pictures you posted. Very Cute

  4. you're gonna have to keep me informed on the soother situation...because that seems to be our issue these days. I keep giving in and letting her have it OUT of bed...Rod is much stricter.
    but i've been very tempted a few times in the last little while to climb in bed with Kamryn to help her get to sleep. but i ALSO watched that Supernanny and so I havn't given in yet - but it would be SO easy to do!!!!
    we've stuck to the sticking her back in bed, and i promise it does get easier once you stick to it!! Kamryn knows what is expected of her now and that makes a huge difference!! :)

  5. I applaud your patience and stamina in keeping with the program - I think i tried that tactic with Sadie and it lasted about 2 hours the first night - yep, didn't even make it through the first night. I'm sure it will come back to haunt me in the next year or so. Keziah's getting so big! What a sweetheart - the photos in your last post of her in the pink are gorgeous.
    erin g.

  6. Has Micah been reading my blog? Did he "learn" this SO.VERY.FRUSTRATING. bedtime habit from Hailey?!? I sure hope not! Hope things improve for you soon - I know EXACTLY what you are going through (minus the 3 month old in the pic!). I hesitate to say it, but Hailey looks like she is SLOWLY breaking free of this crazy pattern. It's been going on since Christmas, so it's about time!!! We have found that being STRICT and CONSISTANT works...most days....good luck Jamie!!

  7. some kids just don't sleep well. Aidan has always been a terrible sleeper and too this day he still wakes up the odd time at night. But it does get better. Now that he is older, he understands that he needs to go straight back to sleep.
    as for the soother thing, you just got to do it. I was stressed out about it but when we did it with Cass, it was easier then we thought. The first night was hard but after that, it didn't phase her. She was exactly 26 months I think.

  8. Oh,'re doing well in being consistent and firm. It will get better. I'm up against some big challenges too for Tyler - moving him to a big boy bed, getting rid of the soother, once and for all, and starting potty training. We'll tackle one thing at a time, and hopefully all will go smoothly...Good luck with all your challenges too!

  9. I applaud you in being firm and sticking to it!! I know it's a hard thing to do but I'm sure it will pay off sooner or later and you will be so glad you did it! I've been a lurker to your blog for a while (found it thro someone's blog :) and I've enjoyed seeing child #1 and the addition of #2 since I am expecting a baby in September and wondering how things will work out with my first child :) your kids are really cute and look like little angels :)

  10. What a ROUGH night!!! Hope you can "resolve" Micah's night awakenings SOON :)

  11. Shoot, that totally sucks Jamie! I am glad to hear that Keziah's nights are improving though. Hopefully you can get them both to sleep one of these days! I'll be praying tonight is the night!
