Monday, March 12, 2007


We had a pretty relaxing weekend and didn't do too much which was nice :) The weather wasn't really conducive to being out and about anyway. The weather network called for (and I quote) copious amounts of rain this weekend in the lower mainland and unfortunately they were right.

Another reason we didn't do much is that we were both pretty tired. Neither of our children have been sleeping great lately. On Thursday night I felt like I was getting up all night for either one or the other - feeding Keziah 2 or 3 times or just giving her a soother, settling Micah down when he woke up crying... It's frustrating that I'm always the one who has to get up with the kids. Erik just doesn't hear them, so by the time I wake him up (Erik? Erik!... ERIK! ) I could've easily gotten up, settled them down and been back in bed. It's just not worth it. But, to his credit, he does let me sleep in most mornings when Micah's up at 6 am :)

Yesterday at church, my friend Kelly brought me Taeya's bumbo seat for Keziah to try out. It enables her to sit up fully supported and it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen! She seems to really like it too:

Of course Micah had to try it out too... :)

I have to share two funny Daddy moments from the last few days. The other day Erik was playing with Micah and I was trying to settle Keziah down since she was crying. I asked Erik to grab me a soother from her room. He was telling me a story at the same time and when he came out of the room with her little soother he shoved it in Micah's mouth and even wiggled it around a bit to try to get him to "latch on". Micah stood there with a stunned look on his face and I started laughing as Erik realized he was trying to pacify the wrong child.

This experience reminded Erik to tell me about something that had happened a couple of mornings before when he was up with the kids and I was still sleeping. He was feeding Micah a peanut butter and jam toast while trying to get ready for work. At one point Keziah started crying as Micah was asking for "more please Daddy!" Without thinking he shoved the piece of toast into Keziah's open mouth! He quickly tried to wipe the stickiness out of her mouth but he said she seemed to like it :) So much for waiting until after a year to introduce peanut butter...

I headed on a walk with the kids this morning and we stopped for awhile at the park so Micah could play. I was reminded of my post a couple of months ago when they both started crying at the park and I panicked and ended up heading home. Funny that it doesn't scare me like it used to - I think I've just gained confidence with how to handle both of them together when we're out.

"Hi Mom!"

"Mmmm, this shirt tastes good..."

I'm looking forward to a relatively quiet week at home. I love making lists on Sunday night of all the things I want to accomplish in the coming week but today is more than half over and I can't cross anything off yet! I'd better get off the computer and see what I can get done :)


  1. Jamie, I'm sorry to hear that your nights are not getting better yet. On the other hand, you are NOT alone. You should just call me at night, I'm up too. My hubby also doesn't hear James, so I am always the one to get up. It's the same thing, by the time he is up (and has stopped to pee, fill his cup with water, etc.) James is frantic, so I just do everything myself. I hope it gets better soon!!! Keziah is getting cuter and cuter. I have a friend with a Bumbo too, and I want to pick it up this week for James.

  2. Hi Jamie,
    I have been checking your blog lately through some other people's blogs that I look at. I just wanted to say that you have quite the cute kids. Their smiles are great!!!!
    Good luck with your lists. I try to do the list thing as well but sometimes the day just gets away from me.

  3. Hi Jamie, That's sucks that you didn't get much sleep. I would like to say that the rest of your story made me laugh.

  4. I love those chairs and have been eyeing them up in Toys R Us, I think that may be a purchase in the near future, Keziah looks so happy! in it.
    Enjoy the outdoors! Its so awesome that spring is arriving and you can be out, the weather has been beautiful here and Aiden has loved his stroller rides, what a great start to walking off that tummy:)
    take care, hope you get some rest soon!

  5. Loved the "Daddy stories!" Very funny!
    Jamie--you are truly a gifted photographer! Have you ever considered it as a profession someday? I think you could go far with it. The close-ups of Keziah are absolutely adorable!!
    Good luck accomplishing your "list" this week :)

  6. Your kids are cute! I love your daughters name! Very unique, but not too weird! My daughters name is Merci. Anyway, I am from I know I am not alone blog!

    Your daddy stories were Funny=)

    I have been doing something similar, at breakfast the past few morning I have given my daughter the sippy cup and my son the regular cup, they both get a giggle out of it!!

  7. I love reading about your adventures Jamie!! You are such a good mommy! SO funny about the toast! Oh and Thanks for your "you look amazing" comment on my blog: you made my day :)

  8. Those stories are hilarious! It sounds like something my husband would do! lol It must be nice to be able to take the kids to the is Saskatchewan everything is still burried under 8 feet of snow! lol Well maybe not that much but it seems like it.

  9. Hey James-
    I looked at one of those seats the other day at Target, but I couldn't justify dishing out $40 (US at that!!) for one... very cute- I may have to look for one at a second hand store now.... Check you email- I sent you one- I am in BC tomorrow and might be going to Abbotsford......

    send me your number if you want- maybe there will be time to see each other.

  10. i was hoping you would post some Bumbo pictures! very cute!
    i LOVE the stories about Erik putting the wrong thing in the wrong kids mouth....i'm sure that will happen down the road in this house!
    I can't believe Keziah is in that shirt already! It just feels so recently that Taeya was in it! (I guess it doesn't help that since I bought it too late in the game, I also bought at 6 month one, which she is still wearing)
    I hope you get a much better nights sleep tonight.

  11. those bumbo seats are AWESOME!! I remember sticking soothers in my other kids mouth too. I blamed it on my lack of sleep

  12. you should put name tags on the kids for when Erik gets home from work :-)

  13. Oh, wow, is Keziah ever sweet these days!! I LOVE the pic you titled, "Hi Mom." That one needs to be blown up and framed! Hopefully, I'll see you at mom's group tomorrow.

  14. Those are some funny stories and they made me smile.
    I think I will have to have the monitor by trev's ears at night cause he won't hear anything otherwise. I'm sure it will be interesting.

  15. I have a bebepod. Its like the bumbo seat. I cant wait to use it! looks so cute.

  16. opps.. I was logged in as mommy1.. sorry lol that was from me!

  17. Those Daddy stories had me laughing so hard! Thanks. I needed that!

    I've been checking out your blog every now and then. Hope you don't mind. My name is Mel and I'm a mommy to a 4 year old and 7 week old. It's nice to "escape" and see what other blogger moms are dealing with.
