Friday, March 09, 2007

A New Season

Erik and I both feel like breathing a sigh of relief at the end of this week. Life has been really busy for us over the past 2 months. It was mostly due to our involvements with TREK leadership which sometimes took up 3 evenings a week. As of this week, the TREK-ers have departed on their various assignments and our duties as leadership are officially finished. What a great experience, but the busy-ness has been taxing on us and on the kids, so we're glad to enter this next season which will hopefully be a little less hectic.

And speaking of seasons, I saw some definite signs of spring in the backyard this afternoon...

Micah and I haven't played outside together much since Keziah was born, but we took advantage of a few moments of sunshine (or more accurately, no rain) this afternoon while Keziah was napping.

Keziah was being a fussy-pants yesterday so I tried putting on one of our Baby Einstein videos. She was interested in it for a short while and then that was it. I love this new shirt that her Auntie Rosanna gave her. It's size 6-12 months!! I'm sure it must've shrunk in the laundry when I washed it the other day... I'm hoping it'll last until summer time, but with the way she's growing who knows!


  1. Jamie - these pictures are incredible. I love all of them! They look professional. Micah looks so handsome and grown up and Keziah looks perfect in that little shirt. Spring or summer... a girl has got to look good! Your kids are so perfect!

  2. I am so jealous of the flowers already popping out there. That is one thing about BC....we've been having great weather (it's supposed to be 19 on Sunday!!), but it will be a while yet before we get blossoms or leaves on the trees. It gets too cold at night :( Great pictures of your kids. They are just so darn cute!

  3. how did you do those flower pictures??? i have a feeling our camera could do that, but i haven't bothered to try! teach me!!!! :)
    glad you and micah got some outdoor time was fairly mild too, eh?
    glad you found laura's blog, and that you got to meet yesterday! :)

  4. Yeah for spring, I can't wait to experience it when I come out in a few short weeks!
    Those shots of Micah are precious-today Aiden and I had our first trek outside since it was beautiful. its amazing how refreshed you feel after a nice long walk!

  5. flowers already - NO FAIR!

  6. What gorgeous pictures! I love the way you made just the flowers colour and the rest black and white---very cool!
    Your kids are looking as cute as ever! Hope you get to enjoy more sunshine & outdoor play soon :)

  7. I like the flowers in your garden. I found a sign the other day too. Robins were in the yard so I took a few pictures. Those pictures are so neat.
