Saturday, March 10, 2007

Check this out!

Just a quick post today. I received a comment from a fellow blogger a few days ago asking if she could use a picture of Micah on a Mom/Parenting website that she was creating. I finally got a chance to check it out and there he was right at the top! To see it for yourself, click here.


  1. Hi Jamie. I was wondering who that boy was. That is so cool.

  2. Very cool!'re famous!!

  3. how special is that!!!!!!!!!!! what a cutie!!!!Auntie Hilda

  4. Jamie - I was just going to tell you that James hates tummy time too. If I do it while he is happy he seems to tolerate it for a while, but usually he just starts to grunt and complain. My parents have the mirror closet doors, and he seems intrigued by them long enough to stay on his tummy for a while. By the way, I know this is a stretch, but do you know a couple named Darryl & Donna? They just got married two years ago, Donna has kids from a previous marriage. Anyway, if you do, they are friends of ours.

  5. That's pretty neat.
    And as for signs of spring...I am jealous that you get to see that. We have a lot of snow that needs to melt before we see any signs like that. :0)
