Friday, April 20, 2007

My brave little dear

Today I had to take Micah to the doctor. On Wednesday, Erik and I noticed a swollen red area on one of his fingers. By yesterday afternoon it looked even worse and had taken on a purple tinge. I can tell it's bothering him because he is very careful not to use it. It's been awhile since I've had to take him to the doctor and he does NOT do well with these kind of situations so I tried to prepare him all day. At breakfast I told him that he needed to be brave. "Like the brave little deer!" he said, remembering one his story books. So, I made sure we read that book as well as Calliou Goes to the Doctor. He still cried when the doctor came into the examining room and screamed the whole time he looked at his finger, but I was able to calm him down and stop his crying before the appointment was over. Apparently it's some sort of infection and we have started antibiotics. If it doesn't improve by Monday we'll have to go back in and the doctor will have to make an incision to let it drain out - yikes! So, you can say a little prayer that this wouldn't happen. We don't need to give Micah any more reason to hate the doctor's office!

And in other news... This is what happens when you haven't pooped for five days and then you finally do:

Yep, it was a long time since the last poop and I kept wondering when it was going to happen. I knew when it did, it would be a doozy! Finally it happened this morning - smack dab in the middle of Keziah's nap. I had no choice but to change her and thankfully she went back to sleep. Then she went for round two this afternoon while I was holding her. She had been so squirmy and fussy up to that point but after she finished and I changed her she was SO relaxed. I was holding her in my lap afterwards while I checked my email and she fell asleep right then and there. I lay her down in her crib just like this and she didn't make a peep. I guess she was literally "pooped" after all that hard work :)

Micah making a discovery today in the sink...

Micah has turned into Mr. Manners lately. He has really picked up on his "polite" words and uses them excessively! If he bumps into something (like a chair or the wall) he says "oh, I'm sorry!" And yesterday when I suggested that he play with his play-doh he said, "oh, thank you Mommy!"

We finally made it on a walk to the park this morning. Micah is doing really well swinging on the "big boy" swings and he keeps wanting me to push him higher and higher!

Keziah caught up on her reading material while Micah enjoyed the swing:


  1. praying micah's finger gets better quickly with no need to go back to the doc!!!
    LOVE the picture of keziah...she must be SO relaxed now :)
    cute video of micah, and i love that he's mr. manners - how sweet!

  2. Such a cute video! I hope his finger gets better soon! So proud of Micah & his manners...we are working very hard with Jaxon, but he's not saying them on his own yet!

    Keziah must be feeling better!

  3. sooo cute- as always. That poor little guy of yours. I don't handle the dr. visits or any injuries very well. Just ask Ramona- when Jake stuck a rock up his nose ($300 ER visit later) I freaked out. Not good! I hope nothing major ever happens. I'd be a basket case! Livi just had her first constipation experience yesterday... only she had a really rough expereince... and actually tore... ok- too much info. Again- I don't handle any injury etc. every well! Jake wants to have Mr. Manners come over and teach him a thing or two!! :) Have a great week!

  4. Love those super-duper poops! Micah is so cute - hahaha! Love the video!

  5. yikes!! hope that finger heals up. I don't do good with stuff like that! (i can't even handle needles!)

  6. Isn't it amazing how such simple things are SO entertaining for toddlers!? Looks like Micah really enjoyed that water. Hope his finger heals up quickly!

  7. I've never commented on your blog before, but enjoy reading it! I laughed out loud at your "after-pooping" picture - so funny! I have a 3 year old who has issues with pooping, but that's another whole story!!!

  8. I'll be praying for Micahs little finger, poor little guy. Glad that Keziah finally pooped! Always when they are sleeping hey! I have that same "bag" for Noah that is in your last great are they!!! Perfect for windy/cool days!

  9. In regards to pooping...yesterday Isaiah pooped and it went a foot or two and all over Trev when he was changing him. It was kinda funny.
    Hope Micah's finger heals quickly.
