Thursday, April 19, 2007


This week hasn't been busy as much as it's been full. Some weeks I feel like I'm stuck at home for days (i.e. last week) but this week has been eventful and fun.

Tuesday was fun because Rosanna spent the entire day here. She started off by taking Micah for breakfast (check her blog for pictures of this cute little date) and then she just ended up not going home :) It was nice having the company - someone to watch Ellen & Oprah with, and an extra pair of hands to help with the kids.

Yesterday Erik took the day off and we made a shopping trip to Bellingham (US). We bought Micah a tricycle at Target - at a friend's suggestion we got one with a pushing/steering handle for the parent and I think it was a smart move. Micah needs to figure out the bicycle motion with his feet, yet!

Our home renovations are still in the works - we still have base boards and moldings to replace as well as pictures to hang. We also want to paint our bedroom and bathroom but who knows how long it will be before that happens! We always have big plans for our evenings, but for some reason we can't seem to get anything done!

But, as promised, here are some before and after pictures of our living room fireplace and the dining area of our kitchen. I was worried that the wall-colour would be too dark but it still feels very bright in our place. In some lighting the grey paint takes on a bit of a purple-ish/blue-ish tinge, but it seems to work well with the dark blue countertops we have in the kitchen.

Living room before:

Living room after:

Kitchen before:

Kitchen after:

Some of you may be anxious to point out the crooked picture-hanging job :) That's what you get for $6 frames at IKEA apparently. The two on the right seem fairly straight but the mounting bracket on the first picture was way off. We'll have to return it one of these days but for now this is how it will hang!


  1. Even with the crooked picture, the floors and walls look great! Fresh paint can make such a difference!

  2. Ha!! I looked twice at the crooked picture...I thought I was losing it ;)

    Your house is looking great!

  3. Hey Jamie,
    It was nice to visit at playgroup this morning. I really like the paint color you chose - looks great! I know how those evenings tend to get away on you - seems like the last thing we feel like doing after getting the kids in bed is renovations, or anything that requires effort for that matter:)

  4. The reno's look great. I like them.
    The pictures of the colleague look good too.

  5. Looks great! Even the crooked picture. Mine, the exact same ones, are crooked too. Not a hardware problem, just crooked eyesight! Max noticed your pictures and said "Hey, same as ours!" And we want one of those trikes! So cool.

  6. Your place looks great! Its amazing what a little paint and laminate can do for a place, hey!? The baseboards will just be the icing on the cake.
    The trike looks like tons of fun too!

  7. Hi Jamie & Erik,
    Great job on the reno's. I try to check your blog once a week to see how you are doing. Keziah is growing so quickly - and she is still so cute! And Micah is such a big boy - I'm sure the funniest things come out of his mouth. Just wanted to say hi cause though we're usually silent we still think of you often.
    Rachel & Chad

  8. looks great!! you're making me even more jealous and anxious for us to get our own place where we can paint and actually change things.

  9. the place looks great!! i love the tricycle. Liam has one but not with the handle and I think that is exactly what he will get for his birthday. There is one at Toys r us that has a little canopy over the head too

  10. love the new paint job! totally changes the look of the place :)

  11. the reno's look awesome!!! i hope to have AFTER pictures sometime soon!! :) :)
    i loved Rosanna's pics of her "date" with Micah - what a cute idea, and a nice break for you!!
