Monday, April 16, 2007

A tooth already?

I think Keziah may have her very first tooth trying to poke through! I started feeling a little bump on the left side of her lower gums over the weekend. A few days ago I wasn't sure but today there definitely seems to be something there - it feels like a little split in her gums. This seems too soon to be cutting teeth since Micah didn't get his first tooth until he was almost 9 months old! Anyway, this could explain why she's seemed a bit fussier than usual and maybe even why she had us up all night the other night... Who knows. We'll have to see if the tooth makes an appearance over the next couple of days.

This weekend went by far too fast, partly because Erik worked a half-day on Saturday so he could finish up the house he was working on. Later that afternoon we took a little family outing to the MRC pool. I've been wanting to go back with Micah ever since we had our swimming lessons back in the fall. He had a blast going down the big water slide and riding the waves in the big pool. I even put Keziah in her little 2-piece swimsuit and brought her in the kiddie pool. She seemed quite content in the water!

Yesterday (Sunday) Erik agreed to play drums for his brother Doug at their new church The Life Centre. It's a great little congregation and it was fun to run into several old friends there. The rest of the day was pretty relaxing (except for another marathon of trying to get Micah to sleep but that's another story!)

Oh and one more picture... Last week we took the exersaucer out of storage for Keziah and so far Micah's spent more time in it than she has :)

Hope you're all having a good Monday!


  1. We ARE having a good Monday! It's good to get the fridge stocked again, the clothes cleaned and a few more of those "Monday" errands done!

  2. Great shot of Keziah and Micah. They look so happy.

  3. Such cute kids you have! Good luck with the early teething!

  4. I so often smile at your posts because I might as well be looking at my life! I was in the shower the other day, leaving my 2 unattended. Max was banging really loud on the Exersaucer (samesies as yours). He just wouldn't stop. When I came out I discovered he was actually in it. I just left him till he got sick of it, hoping that he won't be so eager to climb in again.

  5. all my kids teethed early so I bet ya she will pop that tooth in the next few days. It will make her a little happier!
    what is with older kids and exercausers??

  6. ha ha! jake loves the exersaucer too! Only he can't get out of it most of the time.... Keziah is looking so pretty in that top photo! I never breastfed any of my kids after (or during) the teething process... good luck!! ;)

  7. Hopefully Keziah's teething experience isn't to tramatic, definitely not the most fun of stages, except the final result:)
    I am just so encouraged by your posts, and you take amazing pictures, it helps that you have very very cute kids!
    thanks Jamie

  8. love the pic of Micah in the exersaucer! hilarious.

  9. Wow, a tooth! That is exciting. Aidan cut his first two teeth at 5 months. I was shocked but didn't know any better until people were shocked to see that he had teeth already. I think that he is cutting a top one right now. Good luck with the fussiness.

  10. a tooth already?! wow - that's crazy.
    Glad you got a chance to go swimming...that's something that we definitely need to get into.

  11. Hey Jamie! Seems like Keziah and James could be literally twins! He has been having extra bad nights lately, and is very cranky during the day - even when he has had decent naps. I'm thinking teething too, he is super drooly, wants to chew on things, has his hands in his mouth constantly, very rosey cheeks... etc, etc. I don't feel anything though, so I don't know. Hopefully they both pop out a tooth and get back to normal soon!

  12. Keziah is so cute - I love Micah in the exosaucer - J-man still loves to play with them - he just walks around the outside!
