Thursday, May 17, 2007

Potty Update

It's officially day #3 of potty-training and things are still going well. We've had a few accidents, but for the most part Micah is peeing on the potty every time! He has been pretty good at telling me when he needs to go, but sometimes I have to remind him. I put him down for his nap both days with only underwear and he stayed totally dry. He didn't even have to pee when he got up. We convinced him to wear a pull-up for night though and both mornings he's woken up wet. But, I think we've got a really good start and I'm not expecting dry nights for awhile.

Going #2 has been another story though. The first day he went in his underwear - twice. I talked to him a lot about it after that, promising a little chocolate bar for when he could go in the potty. So, yesterday afternoon he told me he needed to go but every time he sat on the potty he would just cry. He tried several times and I could tell that he wanted to do it, but was too scared to or something. So, he held it in. Then this morning I could see he was quite uncomfortable because he really needed to go. He kept getting up on the potty to try (bless his little heart!) but then he would just come right off and cry. This went on for an hour and a half (it felt a LOT longer and I thought he was never going to let it out!) and then finally I think he couldn't hold it in any longer and he finally went in the potty!! (Though he cried through the process!) Who knew this could be so exciting! I made a really big deal about it and we celebrated with a chocolate bar and a sit in the hot tub and a phone call to Daddy. I think Micah was thoroughly proud :) Hopefully the next time won't be such a drawn-out process!


  1. YAY MICAH!!!!!!!!!! This is so exciting! (Yes, who knew back when we were first married that this would be so exciting, hey Jamie??) Glad things are going really well! Keep up the good work, both of you!

  2. way to go micah!!! that's awesome! Hopefully the initial "trauma" he was imagining wasn't as bad as he thought, and hopefully he'll be over the fear of #2 on the toilet :)

  3. Micah! i'm gonna have to get you to come and teach Kamryn a thing or two!! :)
    great job buddy!!!!!!!!!!

  4. way to go Micah!! Liam will have to take some tips from you! I am full blown training him the monday after his birthday (i am preparing myself and schedule for this!)
    I remember Aidan haveing a hard time with #2 at the start. He used to wait till night when we put a pullup on and poop in it, but it didn't take him long to get it figured out!

  5. Wow - good job Micah, sounds like it's going well. I found that if I gave Sarah 'privacy' for her #2 (meaning I close the door and wait outside) it was quicker and easier. You know how some kids go off to a corner to do that? Don't know why but it may help them relax or something. Hope to see you again soon, I guess play group is at the park now when it's nice.

  6. Yay for potty training success! Poor guy though...reading about his "strain" to go #2, I felt very sorry for the both of you :) Hope it gets easier!

  7. Wow, it sounds like the potty training thing is going super good! Being around my mom's group, who all have 2 year olds I know it can be frustrating!
    I love all the excitement after the "accomplishment" what a great idea:)

  8. Yeah number two took awhile here, ithink he still flet he needed to go in the corner and squat like he used to, the last 4 days I havent' changes a poopy diaper=) It is still gross to have to dump it in the realpotty, ihave to get him to go upstairs soon.

    Oh well good luck. Seems like things are going well.

    Oh and you were asking about why he only goes a tiny bit (in the last post) Iguess they need to learn to controll the letting it out thing. It took Ethan a few weeks, it used to be like 2 drops at a time, now it is a HUGE amount everytime!

  9. you are so patient! continued success on the potty, Micah! :)

  10. Good Job Micah! Going number 2 went on for a long time and now finally Candace is fully trained. Thank God for that. I was so worried about it since she is starting Kindergarten in September. No more diry pants and no more pull-ups.

  11. Woohoo Micah :o) That's awesome!! That darn #2 can be a tricky one but hopefully now that he knows what it's like, maybe the next time will be easier!!!

  12. Way to go Micah!

    Pooping was hard on Tristan too. He cried the first few times and refused to do it. He even got a bit constipated because of it. But after awhile he did it and was okay with the whole thing!

  13. I did not enjoy potty training Gavin....but it is so worth the head ache. Keep it up!! Gavin still wets at night ,so you are right in thinking about baby steps....thank you for your comment to my dilemma.
    Encouragement never hurts anybody, no matter your age!

  14. Way to celebrate! I'm sure he was excited to tell his dad.
