Sunday, May 20, 2007


Hi there - if you're reading this, it means you have received the email invitation that I sent and have navigated your way to our new private blog! After much thought, I decided to make our blog an invite-only blog and you are some of the priviledged to be invited - ha ha :)

Just a side note to my fellow bloggers - if your blog is linked to our blog you will have to change the address in your template. It is: The old address will no longer bring you here.

I'm glad to see you here! More family updates to come...


  1. YAY! first comment on the new, private blog :)
    hope you all are feeling better this afternoon...

  2. I feel so priveledged (sp??)! Thanks for the invite!

  3. Thanks for inviting to your blog.

  4. I'm honoured :) Looking forward to many more entertaining posts!

  5. glad you made the decision

  6. Thanks for adding me Jamie! I know we've never met before (just your hubby) but I love getting to know you and seeing pictures of your beautiful children!! It's nice to have another mother to get ideas from and know that you're not alone on the days you feel like pulling your hair out :o)

  7. Made it to the new blog Jamie. Sorry you had to switch it... How was the weekend?

  8. Thanks for the invite to your blog. I feel quite honored to be able to visit.
    Time to pick up our daughter from kindgergarden.

  9. thanks for the invite Jamie!

  10. Thanks for the invitation, Jamie. This is my first official comment ever you your blog, sorry it's taken me so long to introduce myself! :)

  11. Yeah, I made it to the new blog!!

  12. Welcome to the wonderful (& safe!) world of prviate blogging!! I hope you enjoyed my long e-mail of rambling about going private ;) If you have any other topics you'd like me to write about, just let me know. I have allllll the time in the world right now!

  13. Thanks for inviting me!

    Looking forward to keeping up!

  14. Thanks for the invite to your blog! I look forward to reading your updates.
