Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Coming Home

We were in Calgary from Wed – Sat of last week. It was good to see Elissa and to be together. She was feeling very tired of being in the hospital and discouraged at her inability to care for Caleb. The jaw surgery has limited her diet a lot, but we tried to find some exciting things for her to eat besides the pureed hospital food. A Peters' Drive-In Chocolate Banana shake was probably the favourite :)

On Saturday morning before we left, we found out that Elissa was being discharged from the hospital. So, we helped her get settled in the home of a family friend, who is also a nurse. We were surprised at the early discharge since Elissa is still very much in recovery mode. But we were also thankful that she could be out of the hospital and that Doug wouldn't be limited to visiting hours in order to be with her. Yesterday a bed came available for Caleb in the Chilliwack hospital so he was helicoptered out here. Elissa and Doug are booked on a flight to come home early this afternoon.

Caleb is doing well. His feeding tube came out the other day and he is taking the bottle very well. Elissa is hoping to pump her own milk for him and possibly even breastfeed, but due to her injuries, etc. it is a little more complicated than normal. We're praying that this will work itself out. Caleb has still had some problems with breathing in his sleep (which is normal for a preemie) and will stay in the hospital until this is no longer an issue.

Elissa still has a long road of recovery ahead of her and they're not sure how things are all going to work out once Caleb comes home and needs constant care from them. So, we're praying that God would work out all of these details for them.

It was good to be in Calgary, but it was definitely challenging with the kids. They both came down with colds which didn't help matters. We had a couple of really bad nights there with them. Micah had several melt-downs and was seriously sleep-deprived, so it was good to come home on Saturday. We all caught up on some sleep, and Micah and Keziah seem to be resuming their little routine which makes all of us feel better.

I have several pictures to post, but my time is limited. We're headed over to Doug & Elissa's this morning to do a final clean of their place and get it ready for their arrival. More to come later...


  1. oh i am SOOOOOO excited that they get to go home! what an answer to prayer! KEEP GROWING little Caleb! and i'm so glad that they will have the comforts of home soon! give him tons of kisses from Kamryn, Jamie! :)
    blessings on all of you - i love you all tons & tons.
    p.s. keep the pictures coming!

  2. Thanks for all of your updates, Jamie. We appreciate knowing how you're doing - not a day goes by that I don't think of you and Erik and your family. Caleb is so cute! Please tell Doug & Elissa congratulations and let them know that we're praying for them, as well as Rosanna. Take care, Jamie.

  3. What good news that Elissa is coming home and that little Caleb is coming to Chilliwack. I will continue to pray for them, especially for Elissa's recovery and Caleb's breathing. If you need any help in the days and weeks to come, I am a great child entertainer, so please take me up on my offer!

  4. Hi Jamie,
    Thanks so much for posting about the family. It is good to hear that they are coming home!!! How exciting...we will continue to pray for the long road ahead...please do continue to post their needs so that if there is anything any of us can do we will know and step forward..

  5. what great news that they're all coming home! praying for recovery and much growth for Caleb.

  6. Thank you so much for the update Jamie. We will keep praying for recovery for all of them. You are all never far from our thoughts.

  7. What wonderful news!! Thanks for keeping us up to date Jamie. You guys were on my mind all weekend---I was praying it would be a good time of comfort and encouragement for not only Elissa, but all of you. Glad to hear it went well.

    If you guys ever need anything while you're visiting Caleb, Doug & Elissa in Chilliwack, PLEASE let me know. Whether its a meal or a place to stay or whatever, we're MORE than happy to help out! And please let Elissa know that too! We'd love to help out in a tangible way.

    You're continually in our thoughts and prayers! And that won't change! Love ya.

  8. Goodness, Caleb is gorgeous! He looks fantastic!
    Like I said in my email, if any of you need something I can help with, please let me know. I am praying.

  9. Welcome home Jamie. Wow - I can't believe Elissa and Caleb are coming home already. I've been praying lots for them but will pray even harder as Elissa adjusts to being at home and dealing with her injuries. I'll pray that things work out for her to pump and that Caleb's breathing issues calm down soon. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. Praying for you and the kids as well and hoping that things settle down for them now that they're back at home.

  10. I am so glad to hear that they get to come home and that Caleb is doing well too! When I visited Elissa in the hospital last week, she did seem so weary of it all! I hope being able to go home will ease the difficulty of the whole situation. Thanks for letting us all know how to pray and what to praise God for too!! Thanks for the update and the adorable pictures of your nephew!

  11. Jamie, you are such an amazing, amazing woman...thinking of you as you are there for your family (as well as caring for your own!) They are blessed to have you. Thanks for the update, I will continue to pray. xoxo

  12. Praise God! I am so thankful that Elissa and Caleb are growing stronger and healing....slowly but surely!! Hopefully things will be back to some sort of normality soon. Lots of prayers!

  13. Hi Jamie, Can you believe I'm commenting on a blog? This is very rare for me. :-) I have been checking yours daily though. We can't wait to see you guys. If I can help in any way this week, please let me know (cleaning, etc). When can we visit Caleb and also Doug and Elissa?

  14. Welcome home Jamie! I have been checking daily for some updates and was happy to see one today. What a little sweetie Caleb is and I am so glad to hear that Elissa and Doug are able to come home. I will continue to pray for you guys and for a quick recovery for Elissa! We serve a good God and nothing is impossible with Him!

  15. Glad to hear that your trip went well and that you were able to spend time together as a family. I hope it was a healing time for you. You and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. Praise God that Elissa gets to come home. I'll be praying specifically for the perfect timing for Caleb to come home & be cared for! You are ALL still in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs!

  17. so good to hear that the family will be reunited again, so soon!!!!answer to prayers i think!
    i hope that they´ll recover well!!

  18. that is so awesome that they can be home!!! praying for a quick recovery

  19. Elissa is blessed with so many caring people in her life. It seems like she is going to be well taken care of.

    Praying for continued provisions for you family. Especially a peace the passes all understanding.

  20. Caleb is a gorgeous little boy! Your postings help us to continue petitioning God for his specific needs and healing for his Mommy, Elissa.

    It's great to hear that the Family-time together was good.

    The Friesen's
