Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I thought I'd post a quick update - especially as many are asking about how Elissa is doing. Since updating her blog hasn't been high on her priority list I hope she's OK with me giving a bit of an update here.

Elissa has had several surgeries now (about 4 maybe?) and this morning she had what we hope is the last one for awhile. The surgery had two purposes - one was to graft some skin from her hip onto her shoulder and the second was to wire her jaw shut (they discovered her jaw was broken a few days after the accident). It sounds like it went as well as could be expected. Please pray for Elissa as she deals with a wired mouth (and eating only pureed foods for several weeks), a healing shoulder, a sore hip, and a c-section recovery. All of this while being a new mother to little Caleb. I imagine it is all very overwhelming for her right now. Caleb is doing fairly well but is still forgetting to breathe in his sleep at times (sleep apnea). So, because of this, they will have to keep him closely monitored for awhile yet.

As for the rest of us, the immediate Toews family (Rosanna included) is heading to Calgary tomorrow so that we can all be together with Doug & Elissa. Some of us are flying and some are driving. It will be a short trip - only until Saturday - but hopefully it will encourage Elissa's spirit and give us a chance to grieve as a family.

Micah has been so out of sorts this week and even though he should be excited about going on an airplane, he keeps telling me he doesn't want to go. He wants to stay home. It's understandable. He's gone through so much this past week and a bit and he doesn't understand any of it. You can pray that he will feel safe and loved these next few days as we're in more strange places and with more strange people.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers...


  1. praying still...thanks for the updates and specific prayer items

  2. Thankyou for the update. I am praying that your time with family will be healing as you grieve together. You are continually in my prayers. Peace.

  3. I have been thinking and praying so much for Doug and Elissa and little Caleb - is he still on oxygen? Tolerating feeds? And for Elissa...this must be so hard...
    Thank you Jamie for your updates, I will be praying for your family, for Micah, that you will have some 'normal' moments and peace amidst the storm.

  4. Thanks so much for the update Jamie...I'm sure that Elissa & Doug will appreciate the Family support this week; we'll be praying for Micah and safety for all of you while travelling to Calgary and back.

    I'm sure that Doug & Elissa aren't feeling much up to blogging; please let them know that we are praying for Caleb and Elissa's full recovery.

    The Friesen's

  5. Will be praying for your family has you travel and as you gather together as a family.

  6. Leanne - I'm not sure about the oxygen but they have had some problems with him refluxing. Elissa hasn't been able to breastfeed and pumping hasn't been working either, so that's another prayer request...

  7. I'll definitely be praying for you and the family as you travel to be with Doug and Elissa. I pray that it is a good time for all of you-- one where you feel God's nearness to you as a whole family. Please send Elissa hugs for me too! I've been praying for her tons and will continue to!
    Take care Jamie.
    Lots of love,

  8. How good it must feel for Doug and Elissa to know that you're all going to visit. I'll be praying that Micah finds comfort in the familiar faces around him despite being in an unfamiliar place. Praying for you all and praying for a quick recovery for Elissa.

  9. That will be great that you guys will be able to be together! Have Elissa and Caleb been in the hospital this whole time? Were they able to be at the funeral? Praying for safe journies and healing as a family!

  10. Thanks for the update on them. I'm sad to hear that nursing and pumping aren't going well - we'll pray specifically for that in the next little while.
    We'll definitely pray for the family during these next few days together, and for Micah that he would find some comfort and assurance with the people he's with, even if it's a new location.
    much love!

  11. Janice has been doing SO good at keeping us up to date so that has been a blessing! i will be praying as you fly & drive to Calgary...and that seeing your new nephew will bring you alot of hope for the future. i love you Jamie. thanks for the talk the other day - i'll call you when we get home.
    hugs to Doug & Eli too! :)

  12. hi Jamie, sounds like little Calev has some of the same issues, that noah has had. to bad Nichole doens't have email accees. she could be an encouragement to her. Pray you will have a safe time in calgary. mom

  13. I pray that your trip will be safe & will bring peace & healing.

  14. We will be praying for your safe trip and that you will be able to unite as a family while you are there to visit Doug and Elissa and little Caleb.

  15. Jamie, I'm sure that Elissa is thinking about SO much right now, but if she needs to talk to someone about preemies, I'm completely willing. I have a wealth of knowledge on reflux, meds for that, pumping, meds for increasing milk supply, etc. I'm praying that the NICU is giving the support she needs, and that there are special nurses there to fight the fights that she is unable to fight right now. My heart goes out to them...you are all surrounded in prayer.

  16. praying that you´re having a good trip and the the gathering won´t be filled with grief only, but with joy (bc of meeting a new family-member)as well! i just hope that micah will have a peaceful trip as well!

  17. Thanks for the update Jamie. We appreicate it. We are still praying for you all. Hope your time in Calgary was healing.

  18. Hi Jamie,

    I am happy that your family will be together. I will pray for your little guy as he struggles to deal with all of this. Have a safe trip! Sending lots of love to Doug & Elissa with you!

