Monday, July 30, 2007

Images from the past week

My blog has been lacking in pictures this last week for understandable reasons. There have been many family members and friends around, but it just didn't feel right to pull out the camera and capture those moments. But, I did manage to get a few pictures from the week and thought I'd share some of them...

The other night the boys felt the need to get out and play some ball. Erik felt so blessed to have his cousins Chris & Mark around this week.

The innocence of Keziah.

There are so many flowers. We transported them to the church for the funeral.

Thursday afternoon was spent practicing our music for the worship time at the funeral. The band included family, friends and former worship team members of Nate's.

As we practiced our final song, "I Can Only Imagine" the whole band became emotional. We all stopped playing and Dan led us in an impromptu worship time that was very meaningful.

Nate's motorbike displayed outside of the church.

This post didn't feel complete without including a recent photo of Nathan. This picture was taken a couple of months ago when Erik and Nathan were just starting their final house together. These pictures of work are the hardest ones for Erik to look at. At the burial on Friday Erik put Nathan's tool belt into the grave with the casket. That was an emotional moment for him.

We miss you Nathan...


  1. Thanks for sharing those pictures, Jamie.

  2. Thanks for sharing from your heart, Jamie.

    Your children are really very gorgeous; they must have you wrapped around their little fingers.

    I pray that the wonderful memories you have of Nate never fade, but that these will carry you and the family through the many "firsts" you will experience this coming year.

    As your routines slowly go back to "normal", whatever that might be or may become, may you be filled with His peace.

    We are praying for Doug & Elissa, and their baby as well. We would appreciate an update us on Elissa and Caleb; if you are okay with posting this, thanks.

    The Friesen's

  3. Thank you for sharing these pictures and words, Jamie.

  4. My heart breaks for you and your family. Take Care.

  5. Beautiful post Jamie...thanks for sharing these pictures. You are so strong! Still constantly thinking about you and praying for you all!

  6. Ah the tears flow again. I loves seeing his bike and hearing about his tool belt. I am in awe at how close those brothers were/are. I only hope that my kids will be as close as the Toews siblings. And you sister-in-laws are so close too. That's something very special.

  7. Jamie, thanks so much for sharing these words & pictures. You are such an inspiration, and my prayer for you is that Jesus will make you guys strong in the moments that you feel weak. hugs

  8. It was beautiful and I felt that Nathan was honored in a way that he would have wanted.
    I also felt that the worship was SO powerful!
    My heart aches a little less knowing that you are there for Rosanna

  9. Thank you for sharing these special photos Jamie. It means a lot to see what you've been up to, and particularly to see these special times that you were able to spend with family and friends as you celebrated Nathan's life. He has encouraged us all to live a life that will be meaningful in death - and that is huge. God bless you all!

  10. i really enjoyed those pictures - they're all so precious.
    What a hard moment that have been for Erik to put the tool belt in the grave.
    continually praying for you...

  11. You are a gifted writer Jamie. You always manage to capture a mood so well. How appropriate that you included the song "I can only imagine". Hearing about what kind of guy Nate was, that song fits him perfectly. I bet he fell to his knees when he met Jesus face to face and has been singing His praises ever since! I hope you and your family can find comfort in that :) Praying for you!

  12. Thank you for sharing those intimate pictures and times with us Jamie. They sang I Can Only Imagine at my grandpa's funeral so that song has a special place in my heart. Kinda puts everything into perspective. Still praying for ya! Lots of love ;o)

  13. Your family of siblings really does have something very very special. What a blessing. I saw Kristy at IHOP this morning. I didn't say hello as I'm a total stranger to her but it was a reminder for me to continue to pray for you all.

  14. Yeah, thanks for sharing. I am sure you sharing this will help someone out there, maybe going through the same thing or maybe someone in the future.

    Praying for your family. Peace & Grace to your family.

  15. Jamie,
    I don't even know where to begin but to say that my heart aches for your entire extended family. We were visiting my family in Michigan when we heard the news. I have not stopped thinking, praying and crying for your family. It is just a blessing to know that Nate is with his Father in Heaven. I know that is a bit of a comfort...but doesn't take the ache away. Know that I am praying for you all....enjoy the time with Doug and is great to be with family!
    May you find His strength in this time of weakness.

  16. i couldn't stop thinking about these pictures as i tried to fall asleep last nite. seeing pictures of you guys and his bike, and Chris & Mark...and just everything, it made it so real & i had to process again. i so wish we could have been there.
    i'm glad to see that Greg was able to be a part of everything as well - he's been in my prayers too as i'm sure this has affected him huge. what a week that must have been for you guys. and now that it's over - as i told you before, and i'll keep telling you - we're NOT gonna stop praying for you, and calling you & caring for you.
    thanks so much for sharing those special moments with the pictures.
    love ya.

  17. thank you for sharing those pictures and memories with us. i hope your trip goes really well and is a blessed time for all.

    we hope to see you soon. take care,
    amanda and kids
