Saturday, September 08, 2007

Eye Candy

Here are some more pictures of the kids from the last few days...

Pretty girl:

Funny boy:

I had this genius idea the other day after I tried putting Keziah on a blanket outside and watched as she quickly crawled off and found some inedible things to put in her mouth. Genius, that is, until she figures out how to pull herself up on the sides...

Doug & Elissa asked me to watch Caleb for an hour yesterday while Elissa had physio. We had a few moments of chaos while I tried to feed Caleb his bottle, but we made it through! I don't think I'm ready for baby #3 yet, though...

I like how Keziah has her tongue out in this picture :)

Micah trying to entertain Caleb before a diaper change...

What a handsome little guy!

Keziah is finally showing interest in holding her own bottle. It's not only cute, but extremely convenient for me!

A milky bedtime smile...


  1. Cute pictures!!!

  2. Keziah sure is a pretty girl! And talk of baby #3 already??? I am telling Dan that if I ever ask for a #3 get me a dog!! Let me know when you want to play. I'll come up- I want to see Jessica at CBC soon.

  3. first, i love how you titled this post. and i LOVE the pictures. Caleb is growing and ever-so handsome!
    looking forward to seeing you this week!
    Are you guys coming to the church picnic? We'll be there for the first hour or so.

  4. Caleb is SO cute! And, so are your two, as always!!

  5. Very adorable pics of your kids and Caleb!!!

  6. Ya, about that #3...I always tell myself that IF it would happen at least there would be 9 months before it got here. Somedays I honestly don't know how people get by with more than 2 kids ;)

    Cute pictures...eye candy is always welcome!

  7. Love the pictures - Kyra has just figured out too that she can hold her own bottle. Makes me a bit sad though because it keeps reminding me she's not my little baby anymore:) Caleb looks healthy and sooo adorable.
    You're doing an amazing job with Micah and Keziah - I think 2 kids sounds hectic so 3 would definitely bring some chaos:) Hope today is a good one.

  8. eye candy indeed! i love it!! :)
    i remember when Kamryn started to hold her own bottle - i felt like a new woman!! sad i know.
    little Caleb is such a cutie!! and how brave of you to take on 3 little ones at a time!! :) i think Caleb looks alot like his Daddy!!
    and you're talking about #3?? wow. i'm impressed. i will never HAVE three because i know i'd go mental, but more power to the Mommy's that can handle it!! :) :) :)
    love you lots & lots & lots.

  9. You sure can tell your kids are siblings!
    Wow, does Caleb ever look like his Daddy!

  10. What a bunch of cutie-patooties :o) Number 3 might be coming sooner with Keziah moving on her own and holdiong her own bottle....frees you up a little more!!! LOL!! Good for you for even THINKING about it...your very brave!!! LOL!! How's Elissa doing with all her physio?

  11. take it from me, two kids is the PERFECT amount! LOL!!
    the kiddos are adorable as always

  12. Love the pictures:) Hope you're having a good day today!

  13. Such cute pictures! I also love the one of Keziah with her tongue sticking out---too funny :) Hope you guys are doing well!

  14. your kids are just so sweet. and caleb sure looks like doug.

  15. Keziah sure looks like Erik! Only with your colouring ;-) Very cute pictures - Caleb looks great.

  16. Oh man, could those 3 get any cuter?? Great pics Jamie!!
