Wednesday, September 12, 2007


To start off, some pictures of the kids from our church picnic this past Sunday. It has been HOT here this week...

Micah getting ready for the egg-in-spoon race.

Micah and Erik "racing" to the finish line.

Face Painting - Side one:

Side two:

Keziah eating grass... :)

Blogging hasn't come easily lately. Posting pictures of the kids is my default because I don't really know what to write about these days. Talking about the regular happenings of my days seems trivial and unimportant. Reading Elissa's post today just made it all real to me yet again - what our family is going through and the way our lives have all been changed forever. So, my heart feels heavy this morning knowing that this journey is far from being complete. For me, there are many moments of "normal" life. My kids and routine distract me from what's going on around me. But it doesn't change the reality of what's happening. Elissa talks about the physical scars that will always serve as a reminder for her, but we know that we have all been scarred. It is only because we loved Nathan so much that we are so affected by his death...


  1. Sending you hugs and praying for you.

  2. Thanks Erin, for taking time to share with us little glimpses into your life - even though it's not easy these days. I hope it gets easier for you - not in the sense that you will forget, but just that it will be easier to look forward to seeing Nathan in Heaven someday, and not the pain that he is no longer here in this place. Love ya!

  3. I can see how the past few months and weeks have been an unbelievable emotional roller coaster. Such extremes. We are still remembering you in prayer and today, as you are struck by sorrow, I will pray again for God to grant you all joy and peace, despite the ache.

  4. Wonderful pictures of Nate. As always, we are praying for you. I wish there were more I could do. A part of me wishes that God would perform a miracle and bring Nate back to you all. I don't understand why you should go through this and I'm sorry that you are. My heart is crying out to God to help you through this and achingly praying that he fill with a peace that can only come from him.

  5. Those are great pics of your kids. Micah and Keziah are getting so big!! Great pics of Nate!

  6. Just know there are people that don't even know you who are praying for you ...

  7. Still thinking of you guys daily. Praying for you.

  8. Sending love and prayers your way! Hang in there :o) Pics of the kids and Nate are gorgeous as always!

  9. Oh Jamie, It must be so hard for all of you. I miss yo so much, but will see you soon. I'm sorry that it is taking us so long to get there. I love you. love mom, and Jamie, the things of normal life that you have with your family, is not trivial. You are building memories with your family. I think we often forget that death is a part of life, and when it affects us directly, it seems life will never be the same, but one day the sun will shine again. God still has lots of plans for all of you. love you

  10. once again...i just sit here wanting to BE with you, and take some of the hurt away for you. i just wish that there was so much more i could do for you. i love you so much.

  11. Those are great pictures of Nathan. When I see them it feels as if they are new pictures and he's still here with you all. It's hard to accept reality, as I am sure you know.
    Thinking of you...

  12. I love those pictures of Nate! Thinking of all of you often!

  13. Jamie those pictures of Nate capture his joyous spirit. Thank you for sharing them. We are still praying for you.

  14. I hurt so much for all of you, reading your words, looking at the beautiful pictures. It hurts.

    I'm praying.

  15. Beautiful pictures Jamie...still praying for you guys often...

  16. Hello?! I just called you ERIN!!! Sorry Jamie - don't even know where the heck that came from!!! How embarassing.

  17. Your family is still in my prayers. I pray that God holds you in His hands and carries you through the hard times.

  18. Heather - I noticed the "Erin" as well, but I can easily look past it since I grew up with a best friend named Erin and a younger sister named Erin (who also looks a lot like me...) I've been called Erin my whole life! ha ha.

  19. love the photos jamie.. sorry im behind on blogs. can catch up now...
