Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pictures - Part 2

I just uploaded the pictures from my camera and found a few more from the weekend...

Caleb konked out after a bottle:

Micah had his first day of KidsQuest on Sunday morning - the "Sunday School" for kids that happens during the service. Micah loved it! Erik went with him for the first time but we hope that he will soon be going on his own. We left Keziah in the nursery for the first time all by herself and are crossing our fingers that Erik and I may actually be able to sit through a whole church service together for the first time since... well, I don't even remember.

Here's Micah showing off his KidsQuest crafts and name tag:

Keziah's tongue seems to be always sticking out of her mouth these days. I think she likes the feeling of running it over her smooth bottom tooth :)


  1. What a beautiful family you have!
    Ever since we had Isaiah and moved to the back of the church for the services we don't get much out of the service. I am convinced myself that it might be a few years before that happens. Atleast you have someone to watch Keziah in the nursery.

  2. Oh i hope that all goes well in the nursery and that you guys can sit through a service together. Jamie, you take the most amazing pictures.... i love all of them!!!

  3. You'll notice from our blog that my boys have the same sleeper as Caleb! I just love that picture of him! What a precious baby! How cute your kids are too! Tyler will be going to kids church during the service too! But, unlike you guy, I don't think we'll be sitting through a service both of us for a while...our baby has some growing to do before that can happen!! :)

  4. THose pictures are great!!! Micah looks so proud!! Keziah is adorable as always!!!

  5. J-man made it through his first Sunday school too! I hope Micah enjoys it so that you get a service together. J-man has almost always gone to nursery without a hitch - I think we lucked out there!

    Caleb looks so sweet - and so tiny!

  6. I think Caleb looks a lot like Micah. What a big boy yo are Micah. I will see you in a little over 2 weeks. I can hardly wait to see yo all. love grnany

  7. I think that your kids are absolutly adorable but today Tayah said to me while I was on the computer who are those cute kids so I told her then she asked if they could come over a play she still has no concept of distance. (so cute) Hope you have a wonderful day with the kids.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh, Jamie! They (all three) are all so precious!!!! I hope Keziah did well in the nursery (I have only attempted it with Noah once so far, and it did NOT go well!)
