Monday, September 17, 2007

Our Week in Pictures

We had what was probably the last of the hot weather last week. Perfect afternoons for the kiddie pool…

Keziah observing from the sidelines.

Just in case my blog gives the impression that my kids are always happy and content, here is more of a true-life picture of Micah (post sunscreen application)...

And, of course, our darling Keziah:

But this makes it all worth it :)

A photo shoot of Keziah one evening in the outfit that her Great-Grandma Wiebe made for her:

Kelly & Taeya joined us one afternoon and we put the girls in their matching brown dresses for some pictures.

Micah climbed into Keziah's crib the other morning and found one of her nukies. The serene look in his eyes told me that he remembered - and still longed for - its soothing effect.

Sure enough, later that morning Micah was unusually quiet and I found him here:

Fall colours on a misty morning.

Micah with his Lightening McQueen car that Uncle Nathan gave him.

Keziah posing for the camera.

Daddy cuddling with the kids after a day of golfing.


  1. Beautiful pictures, as always! Your kids are gorgeous, pouty or not :) I'm glad you had a week of hot weather yet...I have brought out the jackets numerous times already, but we have been having mostly "nice" fall weather. Have a great week Jamie!

  2. Your kids are beautiful. I love Keziah's little photo shoot, that outfit is really cute! I'm very jealous that you still have hot weather out there, we have had our furnaces on already! brrrr! At least this week looks a little more promising!

  3. I love his little farmer's tan! Your kids are gorgeous :) Looks like we may stretch the warm weather a little longer, eh?

  4. Great blog post!!! I love the pictures of your kids!! They are so adorable even if they are pouting!!

  5. The weather has seemed almost too good to be true!! Looks like you really made the most of it :) Your kids are looking adorable as usual. Thinking of you lots.

  6. As always...super cute pics! You have a true gift in capturing the beauty in everything...even crying kids!! LOL!

  7. Great post. I was giggling throughout. Love the "rrue-to-life" pics and love the pics of Micah stealing some time with his beloved, and not forgotten, nukie. What a sweetheart!

  8. Great pictures Jamie. Your kids are adorable. I hope you have a few more opportunities to enjoy the warmness of fall yet before some colder weather comes. I am savoring every minute of Manitoba sun :)

  9. What cute pics!!

    I love the binkie thing.

    I used to sit for 2 kids, the little boy(Jordan) is 2 years older than Merci and the little girl (Moriah) was 3 months younger than Merci. I had to wean Merci form her binkie early and Jordan was weaned very late, about the same time as Merci, but Moriah still had one. One day I was making lunch and the kids were quiet, I went to check on them and Merci and Jordan were under the table taking turns with Moraih's binkie!! How funny! So to see Micah doing this was cute and brought back that fun memory for me=)

  10. Great pictures, Jamie. Wishing you blessings this week.

  11. Great pictures, as always.
    funny that he found the nukie and loved it just as much :) old habits die hard, i guess!

  12. adorable! Cassidy has that same brown dress (old navy?)

  13. oh! i just LOVE pictures!! they are so cute!! you bought Keziah a few of those skidpants hey? i still want to get some for Kamryn!!! where did you buy yours??
    the pics sure make me miss you guys...wish we could just come hang out.
    love you.!!

  14. Janelle - the pants in that pic of her in the exersaucer are actual pants - a second hand pair that originally came from Old Navy. But I do have a pair of pink, brown & white striped "legwarmer" things that I found awhile back at Please Mum on sale. I haven't seen them there since. That's my biggest pet peeve with Please Mum - on the occasion that they'll have something really cool, they only keep it in for a super short amount of time...

  15. such sweethearts!
    hannah has that brown dress too! must have been a really good sell for old navy!
    hope you have a great week jamie.
