Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fall pictures and more

Last week held some unexpected sunny days. I think the whole city of Abbotsford is outside on those days since they are few and far between. One afternoon Micah thought it was fun to push Keziah in her stroller out in the backyard and she thought it was fun too.

And it was fun until the front wheels got stuck in the grass and, out of frustration, Micah pushed the stroller as hard as he could. The stroller toppled over with Keziah still buckled in it. Her and I were both very unimpressed.

Keziah has started pulling herself up like crazy. A week ago she barely did it at all and now she's a pro already and starting to cruise around a bit. It's crazy how quickly they can figure things out.

Here's a picture comparison of Micah and Keziah both pulling up on the dishwasher at about 11 months. I see some similarities but I think I see more differences...

Here are the Toews sisters hanging out on our bed on the weekend. We were killing some time before we went to see a late movie, Dan in Real Life. This was such a surprisingly clean, funny and cute movie. I can't wait to see it again!

We finally got out this Sunday to get some family pictures. My goal was to come away with one good shot for our Christmas cards. There are a couple that might work. But here are a few that didn't make the cut:

We got a picture of Grandpa & Grandma Toews with their three grandchildren:

It's impossible to get Micah to stand still for a good picture...

Keziah all bundled up and ready to head back to the warm house:

We took a quick trip up to Erik's latest house project to see the finish work inside. It looks beautiful! Micah loves hanging out at the job-site...

To end off, here's the fantastic view from where Erik is working these days...


  1. Jamie! those pictures as so beautiful! i especially love the one where you & Keziah are behind Erik & Micah! i can't wait to get one! (hint hint!) i think every kid has their picture by the dishwasher - it's such a fasinating appliance, isn't it!? haha...and i'm realizing more & more these days how important sisters are (REAL sisters, and friend sisters) and you four are a beautiful bunch of sisters! :)
    love you guys - and i might try calling you again tonite! :)

  2. i love those pictures too - ALL of them :) Can't wait to get a christmas picture too, hopefully!!!
    love the sisters pictures :)

  3. I love all the pictures too!!

  4. Wow - you impress me Jamie! Such a good post. I am finding it difficult these days to get a good post in... I also love the pictures. I do see similarities between the kids, Keziah looks a little more bald than Micah at the same age (at least in the picture) and a little more petite too.

  5. AMAZING pics Jamie! Was someone taking those for you or did you use the timer? I did the same thing a couple weekends ago...trying to get a half decent picture for a Christmas card but I think I might go back out :p Hopefully you get a few more nice days outside before all the snow!!! HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that's me laughing at all you cold Canadians!!!!!

  6. where oh where did you find Keziah's awesome toque?? i have a major head covering fetish right now :) love all the pictures!!

  7. Great pictures! I love Keziah's hat and sweater! Are they Old Navy? If so I have seen them on the website and have been drooling over them. It's too bad we can't get Old Navy where I live! I can't belive how big your nephew is getting already. Adorable!

  8. Yes, I think Keziah's entire outfit is Old Navy, including that hat. Except her shoes - those were from Superstore :)

  9. I love the sisters picture. It's good to see Rosanna. Your kids are adorable :)

  10. I love Keziah's little hat.
    You sure can tell your kids are siblings.
    I like the sister picture and the fact that non of you are "real" blood sisters but that doesn't matter. I just love your family!

  11. Your family is so beautiful! I love the picture with Erik and Micah in the foreground and you and Keziah in the back. That's really neat. I can see a lot of similarities with your kids, but then again, you'll notice things other people don't. Take care!

  12. Old Navy huh? I haven't been there in a looonnng time. Do you mind if I get Jayda a matching hat like that? So cute!

  13. Awesome pictures Jamie! You all look so good!! Your kids are just too cute! I really love the one of Micah and his umbrella... adorable!

  14. Where did you get that hat? Keziah always has such cute headpieces/hats. You'll have to let me know where you got it so I can get one for my little girl! Also, I see differences between the two dishwasher pictures too, in one you have hardwood, the other lino. Seriously though I think your kids do look very alike!

  15. such beautiful pictures Jamie.

  16. I love your family photos! I love the imperfectness of them! And, great pictures of you and the Toews sisters!

  17. Jessica - The hat is from Old Navy but I bought it a couple of months ago, so I'm not sure if they're still in store!

    Amber - Yes, please buy it for Jayda if you see it! There was a really cute pale pink one too :) Hats are perfect for baby girls who have NO hair to style!

  18. beautiful pics!! You have such a cute little family!
