Monday, November 05, 2007

Bridal Falls

Yesterday was a beautiful November day. We packed up the kids and drove east into the mountains to take a short hike up to Bridal Falls. It was so peaceful and so beautiful - a gentle reminder of God's quiet love.

Erik carried Keziah in the Mei Tai. We haven't used it too much recently, but she seemed to like it.

Pausing to watch the water under the bridge:

Micah didn't notice the waterfall much, but was instead very intent on throwing things into the little river. He was especially fascinated by throwing leaves and watching them get swept down by the current.

A little cuddle with Daddy:

What a cute little gnome she makes:

Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
your justice like the great deep.
O Lord, you preserve both man and beast.
How priceless is your unfailing love!
Both high and low among men
find refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast on the abundance of your house;
you give them drink from your river of delights.
For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light.

Psalm 36:5-9


  1. What incredible pictures! We have almost the EXACT same picture as your last one... we got it blown up to an 8x10 in black & white, and have it hanging in our bathroom. You could make some exquisite artwork for your house with some of these pictures Jamie... they're just gorgeous!

  2. I miss Bridal Falls! We would go there quite often when I lived in Abbotsford. Awesome photos!

  3. What awesome pictures. Indeed very peaceful. I hope you have a great week ahead.

  4. Great little outing! We didn't get out until nearly sunset yesterday, next time we need to be more adventurous. Now that I see Micah did the walk, I know Max can do it. :)

  5. I thank God for helping you to see and enjoy the beauty, even while inside there is sadness. Thanks for your blogs. I look for new entries, and enjoy the pics and words. You have two beautiful children (well, you and Erik are beautiful, too) - eyes tell stories, don't they! Loving you from a distance, A.Shirley

  6. The pictures of the falls are just amazing!! Keziah looking up at her Daddy is so precious!!

  7. beautiful pictures, beautiful kids!

  8. LOVE the pictures - glad you guys had a chance to get up there and enjoy some family time :)

  9. Just beautiful - what an amazing world God has created for us to enjoy.

  10. Those are beautiful pictures! I wish we could live closer to a place where we could go hiking by water falls. I'm glad you take advantage of the place you live, it just looks so beautiful!

  11. Hi Jamie! Those pictures are awesome!!! I especially love the leaf in the puddle, the one of you & Micah (wow, he looks like he could be 6 years old there!!) and the one of Keziah in the MeiTai looking back with the falls in the background. Gorgeous.

    I was in the states this weekend and looked at 2 different Old Navy's and only found 0-3 month size of that little knit hat :( It is SO cute...and I really want one for Jayda!!! I'll maybe have to look here in Winnipeg for it.

    Hope you are having a good week!

  12. Beautiful scenery you have there! I'd love to make a trip to BC for those kind of pictures!!

  13. love the pics. Micah is such a boy with his rock throwing!

  14. ok - sorry, i'm kinda laughing at Bon's comment cause all i keep wondering is whether or not she hung a picture of a waterfall in her bathroom for inspiration? haha..
    ok - anyways, i was GONNA say that i really hope one day we can take that hike with you guys! it looks so beautiful there & i just wish we had something THAT pretty out here!! :)
    miss ya!

  15. What a great way to spend the day. Love the pictures. Thinking of you guys frequently.

  16. Yeah the book is from Brad Jersak. I got the children'ts version for Isaiah for Christmas.
    Looks like we could be out your way for Missionary Training sooner than we had thought.
