Monday, November 26, 2007

Keziah's 1st Birthday

Here are the pictures from the party we had for Keziah on her birthday. It was mostly the Toews family, but our friends Jeremy & Christina were able to join us as well. Times like this make me wish my family was closer so that they could be in on the celebration too!

We ordered pizza and I made cupcakes using the family favourite banana cake recipe. I dyed the cream cheese icing pink and purple and used marshmallows to make cute little flowers for on top. It worked pretty well! I found some perfect "birthday princess" balloons and then the party was ready!

The birthday girl:

Here is Keziah's first experience with an entire cupcake all to herself. I like how tentative she is with the icing at first and then how her fingers start digging in a little faster once she has a few good tastes :)

She picked the whole thing up shortly after and thoroughly enjoyed it:

Then it was present time. Micah was very willing to help with this part. Thanks Granny & Grandpa Harder for the fun piggy bank!

Here is Keziah trying on her new vest from Uncle Doug & Auntie Elissa. We may have to teach her to love it :) And also watching her new glow-worm from Grandma & Grandpa Toews.

As you can see, Micah was a bit of a present-hog:

Jeremy got a little snuggle with the birthday girl while she drank her milk:

Here is Keziah the morning after. She has been SO happy the last few days and I've concluded that she must just LOVE being 1!


  1. Very cute! The last picture is my favorite :D

  2. I wish we could be there for birthday parties too!! It looked like a lot of fun! I love the cupcakes. I made sunflower cupcakes for Olivia's 1st birthday...and come to think of it, you were there for that party!!

  3. She is so cute!! What are her little shoes or slippers she is wearing? They are cute. I am looking for something for Liv...she isn't walking yet but I want something more than Robeez for her.

  4. Christy - I got those little shoes at Target. They have adorable shoes there! These ones have grip on the bottom which is nice on our laminate. I've also some found cute shoes/slippers at Superstore.

  5. Love the cupcakes! So pretty! And, such a pretty birthday girl! Glad you had a nice celebration with family and friends!

  6. SO cute! Glad to hear you had a great time, and that Keziah is enjoying her new age :)

  7. Glad her birthday was a success!! That video is so adorable!!! And the pictures are great too!!

    I think that you did a wonderful job on her cupcakes!!

  8. Beautiful cupcakes - glad Keziah enjoyed them!

  9. can i have a cupcake? i have a craving for some banana cake.

  10. that looks like the PERFECT birthday party!! thanks for the video - i love seeing her "in person" ! LOVE YOU!

  11. went fast didnt it.... wow..
    Taite turns 1 soon 2... CRAZY! want a 3rd? :-D

  12. happy first birthday to keziah and to you for surviving it all!

    hope you are doing okay these days. i've been sick for at least 6 weeks, and its really wearing me down.

    take care

  13. I just went back and caught up on all your posts that I've missed. You always take such great pictures of your kids. Glad Keziah's first birthday party went well - looks like she had fun:)

  14. Great birthday post Jamie, happy belated birthday Keziah!!!
