Monday, December 03, 2007

Snowy Days

Keziah discovering the snow from inside the warm house.

Micah discovering the snow up close and personal.

Making footprints.

Having fun with Mom.

Our little snowperson.

Now it is pouring outside and the snow is melting fast!


  1. How fun! I think we're a little colder than you guys over here in cold and blustery Alberta, but I got outside yesterday and took some pretty winter photos too! Check out our blog!

  2. You must not be in manitoba when you can wear rubber boots in the snow!

  3. Looks like so much fun! :D

  4. Great photos!!

    We got alot of snow too, but now it's all gone! The kids only had a couple days of snow fun!! Oh well, im sure they will have more snow days to come!!

  5. Looks like you made the most of our snowy weather... very fun!! Isn't it gross though, now that the rain is here and has made everything a slushy mess!? I'd much rather have dry snow :)

  6. So much for our snow, huh? We are all flooding now... We have a statewide emergency going on in our city! Crazy!!! Wonder if Christmas will be soggy or white??? Are you going to MB?

  7. So is this the one day you will have snow in BC? The snow is falling fast here. I think we are to get 10-15 cm today.

  8. feel free to come and play in our abundance of not-going-away-for-months-to-come snow!! :) there's lots to share! :)

  9. Snow?? What's that?? LOL! Would be nice to have some for Christmas!

  10. We bought Preston the same coat from Old Navy! Isn't it cute?! They were clearing them out for like $20 when we went to Edmonton! Nice steal. Happy Snow Days!

  11. micah and you, you both look so much alike in the 4th picture!
    nice to see that you got snow! i´m afraid we won´t have anything over here.....
    oh, and i love the pic with keziah....just because there is a pair of flip-flops on your patio:)
