Saturday, November 10, 2007


Kristi got herself a kitten a couple of weeks ago. When the kids get bored we go find her in Auntie Kristi's room and play with her for a little while. It's fun watching the kids interact with her...

Keziah loves to chase Oreo. I think the cat is afraid of her and Keziah gets so frustrated when the kitten is out of her reach. Here Oreo is attempting to escape behind the toy box...

But wait - Keziah is right on her tail :)

Oreo likes the kids' toys - and usually plays in the bottom of the exersaucer:

Kitten playtime always ends in tears for Keziah - time to put Oreo away!


  1. So cute! I love how you tell little stories with your pictures. Great commentary. :)

  2. Love the crying picture of Keziah-what a hunny bunny!

  3. Too cute! Does Kristi live with you? Is this a family member?? Our puppy was like that with Brooklyn when we first got her 2 years ago but now she just lets her tourment her!!

  4. Those pictures are so adorable!! Love the one where she is behind the dresser. So adorable!!

  5. Michelle - Kristi is Erik's sister. We share a house with Erik's parents and Kristi is living with them right now - make sense??

  6. Too funny! I love how make a story with the someone else said. I LOVE the pic of Keziah crying..aww....I coudlnt remember what Erik's sister's name was..haha.

  7. so cute. My kids would love a kitty, but Aidan is very allergic. So i guess it is uncute, uncuddly pets for us!

  8. oh the stories you can tell with pictures hey? :) i love it. what a cute little kitten - and the name is perfect!

  9. Makes sense Jamie! Sorry to be so nosey!! Must be nice to have family so close ;o)

  10. My cat is still with my parents. I think Isaiah might be crawling by Christmas so I am curious to see how he interacts with the cat then.
