Friday, November 09, 2007

Another First

Erik and I have been noticing that Micah has a LOT of extra energy these days. On the days when we don't do much - which is more often now that it rains all the time - he gets so restless and starts terrorizing the house, his sister and me. We agreed that he needs more activity and some way to harness his wild-ness. So, we bought him his first pair of "bob" skates - adjustable skates with two very dull blades (like a bobsled, I guess) - and a helmet. He was so proud to wear them. Erik met some friends of ours the other night for public skate and said that Micah did pretty good for his first time. I thought Micah would find it frustrating, but Erik said he was just so pleased to be out on the ice...

Yep, that's an Edmonton jersey - a gift from Uncle Joel :) Though I think Erik may be getting won over by the Canucks fans here...

Micah & Evan: Rookies of the year!


  1. Ha, ha...Joel would be so proud! The jersey looks great on him. He looks like he's having fun! The girls love skating, especially when we go on the lake.

  2. Yeah Micah! I'm so proud of you! You look like such a big boy out there on your skates!

  3. we bought Tyler a pair of bob skates last year and he did great too! We only used them once so I'm excited to get them out again and get out on the ice!! So cute!

  4. Micah looks so cute!! And I love that you made comment about the Edmonton jersey, because even before scrolling down, I was saying in my mind "Is that an Edmonton Jersey?!?!?!" Erik...I don't care, present or no present, you should not be sporting that jersey. I might need to help you with your fashion sense :)

  5. I'm sure Erik is proud of Micah. Boys often seem to have a lot of energy. What a role as a parent to find ways to harness that energy and make it something positive.

  6. ok - well you know that i'm all smiles now seeing Micah on skates! yippeee!!
    though i frowned a bit at the Oilers jersey - but that can be forgiven.
    i want to get K on the ice this winter, we'll see how well that goes over! if she's her daddy's daughter, then it should come naturally! :)
    love you.

  7. Oh Micah, you look great, and grandpa Harder and granny are so proud of you. Have fun on those skates.

  8. the second I saw the picture I knew full well that Kirsten would comment! SO CUTE though, jersey aside!

  9. SO cute!!!! way to go micah!

  10. Gotta love the Oilers jerseys!!! :o)
