Thursday, December 20, 2007

And She's Off!

Keziah has ventured out on her feet quite a bit this week and seems to be gaining confidence as a walker. It's so fun to watch her take off and Micah even cheers for her and says "I'm so p-zoud of you!"

Keziah gave us an early Christmas present on Monday night. She decided to throw up the entire contents of her supper in the car while we were on our way to our friends' place. We turned right back around and headed home where Erik put on his heavy-duty work mask :) and cleaned up her car seat while I dealt with our sick little toddler. We were up with her several times until midnight when she finally seemed to have finished emptying her stomach and gave in to her exhaustion. We were so afraid that the rest of us were going to get it next but so far we all seem to be fine. Keziah appears to be doing better as well but still doesn't seem to have her full appetite back.

Micah is learning that he needs to play up on his bed if he doesn't want Keziah to bug him.

And here is Micah trying on Erik's new headlamp this morning. He was enthralled by this flashlight on his head :)

Last night Erik's bosses took us on a Christmas Carolship dinner cruise through Vancouver. It was a nice night with NO rain and the city views were beautiful.

The Lion's Gate Bridge at night:

Just after we passed under the bridge (for once my huge winter coat came in handy!):

Erik & Greg in front of the Pan Pacific Hotel:

I've said it before, but Erik loves his job and I love it for him! We are thankful for how it has worked out and feel blessed by his bosses.

Tomorrow we are headed into Vancouver again with Erik's family for the weekend so I'm off to do some laundry and start packing...


  1. Congratulations to Keziah on her new found freedom!!! :)
    Sorry to hear she got sick - glad no one else seems to be catching it.
    What a great little Christmas party with Erik's work; they are so great and we're so glad it's working out so well :)

  2. MY Erik just got a new headlamp too ;) Hope you have a great weekend away...blessings to you today!

  3. Yeah Keziah. Now life will be even busier, eh?
    I have been trying to find a "Thinking Of You" card but there is none at our local Co-op and I have been unable to get into Wpg. So please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers this Christmas as you celebrate a Christmas unlike any other. I hope that you can create some new memories yet still be able to have some good sharing times about life with Nathan.
    By the way you look really good for having 2 kids. You will be my inspiration next time around. :0)

  4. YAY!! for walking!! She looks so proud of herself!!

    Glad no one else got the flu!!

  5. Ya for Keziah!! People always say to me "you're going to wish that they walk, but when they do you're going to wish they didn't"...that was never he case with me, I was glad when Preston started walking! haha
    Anyway, have a Merry Christmas!!!
