Monday, December 17, 2007

Birthday Boy

Guess what! I'm three!

We started the day by heading off to our regular Thursday morning playgroup. I had planned to bring some cupcakes for the kids and ended up finding some party hats and a game to go with our Disney Cars themed birthday.

Here are a few of Micah's friends waiting for the fun to begin...

Micah was the first contestant for "Pin the sticker on Lightning McQueen"...

He was very upset that he didn't get the sticker right on - a perfectionist already!

Watching while his friends try out the game...


Keziah trying on a party hat...

Then came the cupcakes, juice boxes and Christmas oranges. Micah even got a few gifts - which I wasn't expecting!

After a much-needed nap, we started getting ready for a family birthday supper. Rosanna and Micah share a birthday so the Toews' ate together with Rosanna's family.

Some of the Cars birthday decor:

The birthday boy and girl after the candles have been blown out... and after Micah swiped a finger full of icing :)

Grandpa cutting the ice cream cake while Micah points to the piece with his name on it!

Two K.T.'s :)

Time for presents - Micah & Mommy read a card and practice holding up THREE fingers!

A "My First Leap Pad" from Mommy & Daddy:

Micah was frustrated when he couldn't figure out these glow-in-the-dark bath toys from his Auntie Kristi. But, hey, it's his party and he can cry if he wants to...

Playing with the huge container of play food from Auntie Rosanna:

All in all the day was a success and Micah seems to be enjoying his new age. It seems it may have finally pushed him into the no-napping phase but I am still managing to keep him in his room for a long "quiet time" (right now I can hear him hammering on his toy workbench but at least he's staying in his room!)


  1. Happy birthday Micah:)
    You and Erik are doing a great job with him Jamie. I'm really impressed with the way you've dealt with things and how you balance discipline and love. Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. happy birthday micah. looks like you had a very special day.

  3. Great photos capturing a special day. Tyler's been great with his "rest time" too - although the past few days, we've gone back to an afternoon nap....who knows!?!

  4. Looks like he had a fun day!! Aidan and Liam both played the pin the number on lightening mcqueen at there birthday too and they always seemed to peak through there blindfold!
    oh, and love the nose picking one. that is such a classic toddler picture.

  5. So you weaned Micah off of his naps? Does that help him sleep better at night? He looks like he's 4 in the first picture. What a big boy.

  6. Loved all the pics Jamie. Hard to believe he is three already. I am sure he loved the play food. Have fun with all your presents granny

  7. Looks like he had an awesome birthday! How special to share it with Auntie too!!! :)
    the LeapPad is a GREAT gift, K just LOVES hers - and is finally old enough to start really enjoying it!
    (oh - and we're so excited to see Auntie K coming to Sask - that especially means you guys will be due for a visit!!)
    love ya!

  8. Looks like a very special day - Great photos, darling children :)
