Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Baby Steps

Keziah has started taking little steps over the last week. She hasn't adapted to this new mode of transport as quickly as Micah did, but she loves the praise and attention she gets when she successfully takes 3 or 4 steps. There are no pictures of this yet - it's a little hard to hold the camera and be ready to catch her at the same time :) But we'll try to get a video in the next few days.

Micah discovered a fun use for his toy basket yesterday...

Keziah's tear-filled eyes after Micah tried to put her in the basket.

Last night before supper the clouds cleared for a moment and we saw a rare December sunset.

The snow is entirely gone now and the backyard is a soggy sponge. At least with the snow we could play outside, but this is much too wet. I finally went for a walk this morning even though it was raining. If we waited for the rain to stop, we would never get outside!


  1. Jamie, your little girl is absolutely beautiful - so is Micah! Enjoy the no snow - Manitoba has way too much snow. I'd rather splash in some puddles then walk in a foot of snow.

  2. It's amazing how much praise can motivate a child. When we tell Isaiah how much of a big boy he is then he seems to eat better, etc.

  3. It's amazing how much praise can motivate a child. When we tell Isaiah how much of a big boy he is then he seems to eat better, etc.

  4. Way to go Keziah! :) I love the Elf thing too - very funny!

  5. Yay for Keziah! Isabella isn't even crawling yet, so I'm getting impatient! haha
    I wish we had weather like that here, it's so flippin' cold there is nothing that isn't frozen! haha

  6. those white tights are adorable!!!! keziah is one of the best dressed little girls :)

  7. Beautiful pics Jamie, course it helps that you have beautiful kids!! YAY for Keziah!!!!

  8. Good work Keziah!! I love the photo of Micah with the IKEA toy basket. We have the same one only it is Livi who enjoys climbing in it!!
