Thursday, December 13, 2007


Happy Birthday Buddy!

When Keziah had her birthday 3 weeks ago, it felt like it really snuck up on us. But it feels like it's taken forever to get to Micah's 3rd birthday. He seems like such a big boy to me already!

Micah is definitely a talker - but maybe all three-year-olds like to jabber! He has officially entered the "why?" phase of preschool-hood. He is full of questions about everything and my patience is being tested as I try to answer them all. He speaks really well but still comes up with funny ways of pronouncing things. He got a Chirp magazine subscription as a birthday present from Doug & Elissa and he was so proud to be reading his very own "zanga-bean"!

Erik and I are constantly surprised at the phrases that Micah picks up - from us or from the TV. A few weeks ago I had Ellen on while I was feeding the kids their lunch, and during a commercial break Micah piped up and said, "Mommy, have you called Jenny yet?"

I just love the things that come out of his mouth - whether it's using the word "otherwise" in a sentence, or the wrong verb tense ("she grewed up, Mommy!"), or an exclamation of "for Pete's sake!" (which he picked up from Daddy, I think). One day I asked him to throw out one of Keziah's diapers and he responded with, "Nope. Sorry, Mommy. I can't." And then a few seconds later, "Oh well."

Micah has had a year full of changes starting with the adjustment to a new baby sister. It hasn't been an easy road and Micah has spent a lot of time in the "naughty corner" as he learns how to relate to her appropriately. It has been fun, though, to see them bond more and more. Their favourite thing to do together is play on the big bed...

The next adjustment Micah had to make was getting rid of his soothers. That was a hard one. We basically had to start from scratch with sleep training and I'm happy to report that things are very much improved from what they once were! I went to wake him up from his nap the other day and was struck by what a big boy he is already. I had one of those "where-did-the-time-go" moments and had to snap a picture of my handsome napper.

The next hurdle to face was potty-training. Micah originally caught on quickly but he is still working on getting to the bathroom on time and keeping his underwear dry.

One last major adjustment for Micah been dealing with the loss of a special uncle. Nathan was a huge part of Micah's life and it has been hard to watch Micah wrestle with the reality of his death. We are very intentional in talking about Nathan - especially about the most recent memories that we shared with him in the summer. Micah often mentions these experiences but it's tough to know if he actually remembers them, or if he's only remembering because we've reminded him. Every once in awhile he'll make the comment that he misses Uncle Nathan. One morning he told me that he wished Uncle Nathan could come over and play hockey with him. I knew he was remembering that Nate would sometimes come over and play in the driveway with him. Just two nights ago Erik and I were praying with him at bedtime and when it was time to pray for Auntie Rosanna, Micah prayed that Uncle Nathan would come back. Erik and I were quiet and unsure how to respond. Then Micah started jabbering on about heaven and asked if there would be toys there. That put a smile on my face.

To end off, here is a slideshow of Micah's 3rd year...

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  1. Happy birthday Micah!! i have checked already a few times this morning for a birthday post. Great picture show, I can't believe he is 3!! Isn't it cute the things they say at this age?

  2. Happy Birthday Micah!
    I loved the slideshow! I think it's really funny though that I saw a lot of the same clothes/blankets that we have for our kids! haha That just means we have good taste!

  3. Happy Birthday Micah!!!
    what a great post, Jamie; you guys are doing so fabulously in parenting your kids, and we pray for a year of blessing in your family, especially with Micah, as you celebrate him today!

  4. Happy Birthday Micah! I too enjoyed reading this post. I had such good intentions of coming to play group today to celebrate with you, but sleep was a major issue last night! You seem to be doing such a great job raising such a cute little boy - the time only goes faster from here!

  5. Happy Birthday, buddy! You are such a big boy! Hope you had a very special day! :)

  6. Happy birthday Micah! What a monumental year it has been, full of milestones and mysteries. James and I keep you in our prayers (and Keziah too), and hope the next year is just as exciting!

  7. what a special big boy you are Micah. Kamryn & I love you like crazy. You are such a blessing to your family with your energetic spirit & constant questions. We're so proud of all of the amazing things you learned/accomplished/tackled in the last year! and we know that the next year (being THREE) is going to be full of so much more!! :) We hope you got spoiled today - and that you know there are tons of people who love you & are praying for you!!
    p.s. we have wished that your Uncle Nathan could come be with you again as well...and we know that it doesn't matter how many years go by - losing your special Uncle will not get easier...but he's watching you, and he's smiling as he sees you copying your Daddy's words or standing on your head in your undies!! :) He would be so proud of you...BIG HUGS to you today Micah!!

  8. Happy Birthday Micah - I can't believe you are 3!

  9. Happy Birthday Micah!! Hope you and your Auntie Rosanna, both had very special birthdays! You're such a big boy... and very cute too :)

  10. Great birthday tribute to your boy! I couldn't download the slideshow but will try again later. I'd love for Micah & Max to meet, as they do so many of the same things. Max's new favourite trick is doing the upside down on the couch thing!

  11. Happy Birthday Micah! That Jenny Craig commercial must be very catchy because Tristan has said that to me on a few occasions! Hilarious! Thanks for the commment on my blog!

  12. happy b-day micah!
    hope that the new year to come is blessed with loving, funny and joyous memories......
    have a great day!

  13. What a great birthday tribute to a darling 3 year old! I was laughing out loud at the "zanga-bean" and then crying when I read about him praying about Uncle Nathan.
    Micah sure has a great mom. Many blessings, Micah, on the year ahead.

  14. It has been a big year for Micah as he has had to deal with a loss that many 2 year olds are not faced with. Seeing and sensing the sadness you and Erik and the rest of the family felt was maybe hard for him to understand too. I am glad to see that he has grown and done well in all his transitions. I am glad that God has give you and Erik wisdom in parenting and teaching your son about heaven and how to pray for others like Rosanna. You are in our prayers.
    Love, Rebekah

  15. I just looked at the pictures. What a difference a year makes. Micah has grown up so much in a year. And those pictures of Nate brought tears to my eyes.

  16. Jamie,
    You have some amazing pictures of your boy!! What a treasure. Thanks for sharing them.

  17. Happy Birthday Micah! Jax & I watched the slideshow together...we loved it! It's funny because Jaxon always thinks that Micah is him! What a year it has been! HOpe you've had a great weekend so far!

  18. wish micah a happy birthday from me...he's a cutie...all the best to your family james, and have a merry christmas, thanks for the picture...

    -love lori

  19. Happy Birthday little man! Sorry we missed it! Can't believe you're 3 already!!

  20. Wow! As I watched the slideshow, I was struck by how much he's grown up between 2 and 3. It's CRAZY!! Our little babies will be big before we know it!

  21. awe.. wow 3 already. i didnt realize his birthday was so close to Taites. 3 is an interesting age... its a hard age but really sweet at the same time. some days they act like lil men.. other days like uncontrolled beast LOL

    Enjoy :-)

  22. happy third birthday micah! hope you're all doing well,
    merry christmas.
