Thursday, January 10, 2008

Another Day

So far today...
We woke up to yet another snowy morning (slushy snow that is melting fast), we said goodbye to "Oma & Opa" (a.k.a. G & G Toews) who were visiting this week from Saskatoon, we decided against going to playgroup because of some car issues and Keziah's cold/poor napping these days, we all went for a dip in the hot tub in the rain, we made cookies (and left the kitchen in a disaster) and now Micah is sleeping and I'm waiting for Keziah to tucker herself out so I can have a little time to myself...

Keziah has been a bear this week. I think it's part cold, part teething. I'm exhausted and spent by the end of the day. She hasn't been happy unless I'm right on the floor with her or carrying her around. She's not getting any lighter either and my poor wrists feel like they're going to fall off (I have weak wrists to begin with so this isn't helping). It's hard to judge how much I should cater to her when she's like this and how much I just need to let her fuss and cry (and believe me I don't really have the choice not to let her cry when she's like this). I'm already praying that God will give me a really easy baby the next time around (which isn't anytime soon in case you're wondering).

We had a couple of failed attempts at naptime this morning and finally I just let her wander around with her nukie and her blankie:

She did finally nap this morning and then almost slept through lunch. So, now her schedule's way off and I'm guessing Micah may be up from his nap before she even goes down for hers.

Micah's 2nd swimming lesson didn't go as well as his first. The teacher was getting a little more daring in dipping the kids under when they would jump in the pool and Micah got a nose-full of water. He cried so hard that he was starting to throw up. But this morning when I took the kids in the hot tub, we practiced humming while we put our faces in and it worked! Micah was getting quite confident with blowing bubbles and putting his mouth & nose in. So, hopefully his next lesson will be better.

There's not too much more to say, but here are a few more pictures from the last few days:

Keziah practicing her self-feeding technique:

Micah practicing his djembe/shaker playing technique:


  1. Post Christmas seems hard on kids - they just can't get used to only having us mom's around. I hope K feels better soon. And I'll send a little prayer up for you to have super mom patience.

  2. Hey Jamie (remember me? I'm so good at reading blogs but need to get better at commenting more often!) I wanted to say how much I appreciate how real you are in your writing of everyday stuff with two little kids. It makes me feel better when I see another mom going through similiar things...good or not so good:) Thankyou for sharing your days with us! And also we're moving to Abbotsford in April so we should meet one day in real life!

  3. Days like that are so tough! Liv is just getting over thrush(again) and a really bad diaper rash so I know what you are going through! Today is the first time in a week that I haven't had her attached to my hip for most of the day! I hope she starts to feel better so you can get some much needed rest!

    P.S...Liv has that same shirt in the third picture but in brown. She hasn't worn it but I will have to put it on her looks so cute!

  4. I was thinking about Keziah the other day while I was feeding Isaiah. He has started to spit out his food like she did in one of the videos you posted awhile back. Hope life gets a bit easier soon.

  5. Sorry to hear that things have been a bit tough with keziah! hope they get better and prayin' for ya as you persevere through!

  6. Oh Jamie! I can relate to the teething thing as of late. Not fun. I do hope Keziah cuts those teeth soon and that you get a chance for just some 'mommy time'. (Even for a little bear though, she's awfully cute in those pictures!)

  7. i've been thinking about you so much ever since the "selling Keziah" day you you lots & i'm praying for much happier days ahead! HUGS!
