Monday, January 07, 2008


It's been awhile since I've posted and figured it was about time for a Toews family update...

As you may have seen in the video I posted the other day, Keziah is walking really well now. She only crawls in order to get somewhere to pull herself up again (she hasn't mastered standing unassisted yet). She is babbling a lot these days and we thought it was all gibberish at first but we've been picking up a few sounds that she makes consistently. She has a word for kitty, but the word we hear her say the most is "window". It sounds more like "ween-doh" in a really breathy little voice. She says this for a lot of things, but is quite adamant about when she really DOES see a window - she points and says it over and over. Very cute :)

I rarely get to wake her up from naps, but I did the other day. The soft white blanket you see poking out from under the pink one is her absolute favourite. It is one that her Auntie Laura crocheted for me when I was pregnant with Micah. Keziah has officially claimed it as her blankie :)

Keziah's favourite pastime is sorting through her sock/shoe/etc. drawer:

Keziah and Kitty have a special relationship. As much as the cat attacks Erik and I, she never seems to hurt Keziah. And Keziah has absolutely no fear of her.

Keziah got a generous taste of chocolate pudding at our Sunday night family dinner.

We had a breakthrough with Micah yesterday at church. We had tried taking him to KidsQuest (Sunday School) back in September and even though he liked it, he wouldn't stay by himself. After a few attempts at leaving him, we decided to quit altogether before it became an ongoing battle. He is too old to go to the nursery so we've been bringing him into the service with us. He's done alright - colouring and eating snacks, etc. But now that he's 3 he informed us that he was old enough to go to KidsQuest. So we've been talking it up for a couple of weeks and yesterday we had success! He cried quite a bit when Erik dropped him off but the teachers calmed him down within a couple of minutes and he stayed the whole time. Of course, when we picked up him he pretended to hurt his head and then cried and cried. Funny kid. But, at least we've got one Sunday under our belt. With him in KQ and Keziah in the nursery, Erik and I enjoyed one of the first Sunday morning services together (and without kids) in about 3 years. Hopefully this trend will continue.

It looks like his right hand is missing in this picture... Weird.

And today Micah started a new set of swimming lessons. He hasn't done them since I was pregnant with Keziah so it's been awhile. The goal of these lessons is to get the kids to put their heads under the water, jump into deep water and do back and front floats. I was a little skeptical about how Micah would do, but even in the course of a 1/2 hour lesson, he was already improving and trying new things. Another goal of this class is to wean the children from having their Mommies in the water with them. So, I will participate in the lessons for a few more times and then hopefully be able to just watch from the sidelines.

Micah got into my makeup the other day and had fun with the eyeliner and blush:

If you watched the video from the other day, Micah will have informed you about our upcoming trip to Manitoba. My parents decided to fly me and the kids out in February so we're really looking forward to that. When I asked Micah if he'd like to do that, his face lit up and he said, "We should get my suitcase!" Oh he cried when I told him it wouldn't be for a few weeks yet. Now we've got a countdown going on his calendar, but there are still a lot of days between now and then.

The only problem is I'm just not sure how flying with 2 kids will go. Have any of you done this before???


  1. Keziah is really getting around by foot - how fun!!! You must be so excited to come see your family...hope the days until then fly by for Micah :)

  2. Such cute photos of Keziah!!!

  3. I'm so glad you were able to sit through a church service together!! We are currently going through the same thing with our 2 year old not wanting to go to her Sunday school and I can't remember the last time we sat through a whole church service:( I also love the picture of Keziah sleeping, so precious!

  4. It makes me so happy knowing that that blanket it still being used and loved. Alot of prayer went into it for your first pregnancy and for Micah, but I'm sure those can be translated over to Keziah. Your kids are such cuties and I can't wait to see them in February!!

  5. glad to hear Micah is finally going to sunday school on his own. I remember the first time I sat through a service with no kids I felt a little lost!
    as for swimming lessons, he will get the hang of it fast enough. I remember when Aidan first started and he REFUSED to put his head in the water. It didn't take long and he was a pro, now the kids are like little fish. We usually put them in the summer when they can go two weeks straight.

  6. what is it with little girls sorting through their sock drawers? :)
    Glad the kitty and Keziah get along so well.
    a big congrats again to Micah for staying in KQ himself this week. hopefully this trend WILL continue so you can keep enjoying services just with erik.
    I hope the swimming lessons continue to go well!

  7. Well we are flying with two kids on Friday to Abbotsford and then to Mexico. A 6 hour flight, I am definitely a little apprehensive, especially with my very active 11 mos old.
    On the way back from abbostford I will be flying by myself, so that will be crazy.
    I have slowly been confiscating "special" toys and packing them in J's new cars suitcase for on the plane. Hopefully these reappearing will keep him occupied for awhile!

  8. What a great update - it shows just how cute and adorable your kids are :)
    Yikes - two kids by yourself on a plane. We had 2 adults to one child and even that made me a little exhausted. (Then again our child was throwing up, so that could have something to do with it...) Sorry, I have no advice!
    Wishing you a pleasant snowy morning:)

  9. I have flew with Isaiah but that's one kid not two all by myself. Hope the kids are great for you. Do you have any layovers? How long are you out for? If it was long enough I'd say I'd love to do coffee. If not then maybe we can try in April or September when we are out that way.
    Glad the kitty doesn't hurt Keziah. As christmas my cat swiped Isaiah so close to the eye and there was a lot of blood. I was not impressed.

  10. My mom traveled with Jon and I as toddlers and big pregnant with Mark all the way from Indonesia to get home to Manitoba. I guess you do what you gotta do to get to where you want to go! You'll be fine! How fun to look forward to something "different"!

  11. I'm a pro at flying with two kids. I have tons of tips. You'll do fine. I am flying back in March! Too bad we couldn't work it out to fly together... Just me and Livi going in March.

  12. Remember the Er-ja-kers??? I just remembered that for some reason and the radio station tapes. Also the prank you and Kathy H. played on Erin and I and all the notes you left freaking us out. I still remember the Coke jingle you and Erin made up "You want it! You got it with coke! coke!".... why do I remember that and I can't remember my kids birthdays or birth weights?????

  13. Never flown with kids so can't help ya there! But your kids are just too cute!!
    About Micah and the class thing, just keep consistent with him going (not giving him the option to stay with you) and it'll get better. For a while, Preston like freaked out when we brought him to his class but as soon as we walked away they got him busy with toys and he was fine!
    It's important that you and your husband get to enjoy service as well, us parents need refueling for the week! haha

  14. So good to see an update. I can't always pick up all the pictures, but today I did. We are so excited to see you and the kids, and how they have grown. Looking forward to Feb. 19th. love mom

  15. Hey Jamie - don't think I've commented on your blog before. Could you bring a little umbroller stroller along for Keziah? I'm sure that would help. You have a beautiful family - I love seeing pictures of you kids!

  16. Hey Jamie,
    Enjoyed catching up with your kids in this post - they are so adorable, and you take such great pictures! I flew with three kids to Ontario in June (my mome came too) - the only thing I've learned since then which might have been helpful is that you can actually take the carseats and put them on the plane seats and strap the kids in them which would have been good for Autumn who climbed all over the place for 3 hours! Good luck though - bring lots of food and new toys!

  17. Love the photoes! Can't wait for you guys to come out!! Kailyn & Joshua are very excited!

  18. Hi Jamie! Thanks for your advice the other day on my blog, I've been trying the dream feed....Noah is still waking up though so I'm determined to keep trying to see if it will eventually take!!! I'm glad that Micah made it through Kids Church, that's so great!!! Keziah is so adorable...Noah likes to "sort" through his clothes' drawers also, and his word that he says for everything is "Hot"....If you have any "extra" time while you're here with the kids, we should try to get together...Noah and I are always looking for fun things to do while his sister is at school..actually, Erin and I had one time talked about getting together also...maybe we all could?? Just a thought...

  19. I like what somebody said about "you do what you gotta do", and if that means a few hours on a plane with 2 little monkeys, so be it. Did you read my story of traveling in March. It was a bit of a doozie, but what helped me through it was thinking how much better a few hours in the air was than a few days in the car! Did you know that you can take a carseat onto the plane? (Assuming Micah will be having his own seat). As long as it has a Transport Canada sticker on it you're good to go. It's a bit of a hassle to carry around in the airport but it was a lifesaver on the plane! I actually traded they boys back and forth between my lap and the seat to get through the trip.

  20. Great photos as usual. I love the kitty! he looks like a cat I had as a child. sooo sweet!
