Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So Far So Good

This week has been an improvement over the last one… so far. And finally – some sun!

My make-shift “double” stroller still seems to be working for the most part. These pictures were taken on yesterday’s walk which went well. This morning, however, we went for an earlier walk and both kids screamed the entire way home from the park. I had no choice but to just let them cry while I walked as fast as my short legs would let me. I’m sure every other mother was watching from her window and feeling so glad she wasn’t me :)

Micah trying to be tall like a mountain:

I'm able to let Keziah out of her stroller now that she has some new outdoor shoes:

Keziah seems to be a happier baby this week. She had a couple of really bad nights over the weekend and then Sunday night she finally had a really good sleep. She was a different baby the next day and spent several long periods playing contentedly by herself. It was a treat. She has come down with (another) cold now and isn’t quite as content as on Monday, but still not as out-of-sorts as she was last week. And, there are no new teeth to show for all the misery, just some prominent bumps under the gums where they are pressing. So, I’m sure we’re not finished with the bad days yet…

Monday was swimming lesson #5 for Micah and I went with the full expectation that it would be our last one. I figured I would just pull Micah out if we had another ½ hour crying episode. But surprisingly it went much better. There were still a few tears, but by the end of the lesson Micah was getting pretty brave in blowing his bubbles and doing the back float (even letting me put his ears under the water). I talked to the instructor and she suggested we keep coming. I’ll just plan to stay in the water with him and even though he won’t pass, at least we’ll get our money’s worth of lessons, and Micah will hopefully gain more confidence in the water.

I have been searching for accessories to make Keziah look more like a girl. She gets mistaken for a boy all the time – especially since her winter jacket is brown. Can’t people see the feminine stitching or the pink lining in the hood? Sheesh. :) Anyway, I found this seller on ebay who makes KutiePie Klips and she guarantees they will stay in even the tiniest bits of hair. I saw pictures to prove it and decided to give them a try (figuring Keziah would use them eventually anyway). I got to choose 10 styles from almost 200 so it was fun! They came in the mail yesterday and so far they are everything I’d hoped for. Keziah wasn’t happy as I put this one in, but then didn’t notice it at all. I’m so excited to start doing her “hair”!

And a big congrats to our good friends R & M who finally got to meet their miracle baby boy early yesterday morning. We went to the hospital to meet baby E last night and he is adorable! We're so excited for you guys to finally begin the journey of parenthood!


  1. Oh doesn't Keziah look so sweet with that clip. I love her 'cheese' face! And yahoo for R & M!! Now what could baby E's name be... another Elijah?? Ethan?? :D

  2. That clip is adorable! I am going to have to check out her shop. Liv has a ton of hair but I have yet to find a barrette that stays in her fine hair!

  3. glad the swimming lessons seem to be improving :)
    LOVE keziah's hair clip!!! i've always had to do elastics in Taeya's hair because everything else just slips out of her fine hair - i should check those out!

  4. like the other "girl-mommies" said....i really have to try those clips!!!
    and i´m glad that micah had a better time in the pool....
    have a great week!!

  5. oh Jamie, you and erin were mistaken for boys for years. Eventually the hair came. Glad Micah;s lesson went better. I am prayingthe weather will be really good while you are here, so we can spend lots of time outdoors with the kids. Oh, You will beable to celebrate Erin's and my brithday before you leave. love mom

  6. LOVE the little pink clips! I'm amazed that they stay in her hair considering how short it is. Very cute!! Glad to hear you're having a better week so far. Even I'll admit that the sunshine makes everything easier :)

  7. I too am a fan of those cuuuuute clips! She looks adorable, and I really don't know how people mistake that pretty face to belong to a boy??? Glad this week is better than last!

  8. We often transform our stroller into a double by letting Hailey sit on top (where the cup holders are). She straddles the stroller and faces either out or towards me. But facing out works a lot better as her legs don't need to spread so far ;) Try that! It's probably not recommended or the safest thing, but meh! It works...I just make sure that I don't take my hands off the stroller so that it doesn't have a chance to tip over.

  9. Hi Jamie! The clips are sooo cute!! What exactly did you buy from the seller?? do you ebay alot?? Glad you are having a better week with the kids!! we had some sun here today, too. Yay!! It was nice.

  10. I think Keziah is an adorable GIRL. Never would I mistake her for a boy. Livi can be decked out all in pink and they still ask how old "he" is. Uh... whatever!!! I also get asked if my kids are twins. WHAT?!?! We are heading up to BC for a get away this weekend HOPEFULLY. Maybe we could hook up?

  11. It must be nice there if you can take the kids out for a walk!
    I love the hair clip. So cute! You sure can tell that your kids are siblings.

  12. It's funny how our weeks are mirroring each other's. I, too am having a better week...maybe it's our attitude adjustments :) Glad to hear!! And, the clip in Keziah's hair is just so cute. I'll have to remember that for if/when we have a girl, because as tradition would have it, our kids have next to no hair for the first 18 months of life!! :)

  13. and, to comment on the comment you left on my blog, yes it would be wonderful to be closer together to hang out, and break up the monotony of some our days. Maybe one day!! And, did I hear you guys are going on a vacation as well? I read your comment on amber's blog....

  14. That's great that you had a good week!!! Hope it continues for you!!

  15. Yay I was praying that swimming lessons would go better this time around, I'm so glad they are!!!! How cute are those clips too, them!!!! Don't feel too bad, people still ask me all the time too if Noah is a girl or a boy and I just laugh to myself....I just think people really don't pay attention...Keziah is a beautiful little GIRL!!!!!!!! Glad to hear about the great week so far too!

  16. I haven't seen you and the kids in awhile...they are SO cute! I love the clips Keziah has in her hair. I should check those out cuz many people think Zoey is a boy too. I don't get it...isn't pink a give away!

  17. i just LOVE all your pics - you always take the perfect pics to show off the personalities of your's great.
    you've been on my mind today and i just wanted you to know that. :) i'm praying for you as i work...and hoping that today is a good one for you - i love ya.
