Tuesday, January 29, 2008

An Inside Day

More snow...

I saw the birds scrounging for food this morning, so I put out some bread crumbs on our deck. I snapped this shot of Micah and the kitty watching our little customers enjoy their breakfast.

Keziah is a smart little toddler already and knows when I "baby-fy" her food. She refuses to be spoon-fed and will throw her food on the floor if I cut it up into little pieces. I assume it's because she sees Micah eating on his own and wants to be just like him :)

She will simply not eat anything if I try to feed her myself, so we have started the incredibly messy phase of self-feeding. The spoon doesn't seem to be as useful as her own hands though:

Keziah needs a bath after almost every meal these days!

Micah has his own finicky eating habits. He hates getting his hands dirty and won't eat something if he knows his fingers will get sticky. I remember being exactly the same when I was a kid:

Micah has another cold sore this week. He gets them about every other month and I feel so bad for him. Does anyone else have kids who deal with these? I'm not sure if I should talk to the doctor about them. I treat them with Abreva as soon as they show up, but I wonder if there's anything else that can be done to keep them from showing up so often.

This picture's a little bright, but so cute! Keziah walked around with this dolly all morning and brought her to me every time she needed to be re-swaddled :)

And my new found love: coffee! I've been enjoying a french vanilla latte every morning and am starting to depend on that little energy boost to get me through 'til lunch!


  1. Do you have a steamer/espresso machine? I love coffee too - even though I drink mostly decaf, there's something about it that can get me through a sleepy phase during the day. A cup of coffee with a chocolate chip cookie or rhubarb muffin is just the best! Hope you have a great week, Jamie!

  2. We have an espresso/steamer, but I don't use it. I just froth up a 1/3 cup milk with a little frother and add coffee and french vanilla syrup. It definitely is better with the espresso machine, but that thing scares me :)

  3. delicious coffee, it is!!!! :)

    cute pictures, as ever!

  4. i love the pic of micah and the kitten watching the birds!
    i don´t know if i can help you with the cold sores, but as much as i know about them it´s more important to build up the immune-system than to treat them right away. those things happen when your i.s. isn´t working properly (which might explain why micah is getting them all winter long....); maybe that helps? oh and you should put some sun-blocker on it when you´re going outside!
    have a goood week!

  5. Your children are so very beautiful! I love reading your blog because I know I'll always be entertained or enlightened! Have a great day!

  6. pretty snow!! and i mean that :) snow is ONLY pretty when it doesn't come with -40 degree weather!

    can't you wait to come to manitoba??!

  7. I heard about the snow you have out that way. Do you feel like you are back in MB?

    How old was Keziah when you started her on milk products?

    I had a lot of cold sores but inside of my mouth as a kid. I had to take pills and creams to help heal them. NOT fun at all.

    When are you coming to Manitoba?

  8. Rebekah - we gave Keziah cheese and yogurt before she was a year (probably between 8-10 months) and I started introducing cow's milk shortly after 11 months.
    We're coming to MB in three weeks!
    Did the cold sore creams/pills help at all? Maybe I should take Micah to the doctor...

  9. you shouldn't post the coffee!! We are in Brasil and we get small cups of a special coffee and it is half sugar. I miss my dishwasher since here we wash with soap and water and a sponge and then rinse the dishes.--no warm water, just like Peru.Nice to see your kids grow up and see you have snow.
    We have mostly rain, showers, and cool weather, unlike summer out here. Emmy

  10. coffee is definitely a morning must! I love you picture updates, I can't get over how cute your kids are!

  11. Ahhhhhh, nothing like a great cup of coffee in the morning ;) I totally agree!
    Great pics, your kids are dolls!
    As for the cold sores, do you get them?? Or your dh?? There's a tingling feeling that happens when they start to come, (so I've heard from my sil and her 2 kids that get them) and at that point and till they go, tea tree oil is the best for them, it stops the size and soreness of them and they don't last as long...and it's a natural oil too, available at the grocery story or drug store. I use it for my kids' kanker sores which they get when their immunity is down, and even tho it taste likes trees, they sit for it and I put it on with a q-tip and instead of being there for 2 weeks, they are gone in about 4 days. (ok I admit, I use tea tree for almost everything!!! ask Kelly or Laura or Sarah!! lol)

  12. Lorrie - thanks for the suggestion. Erik and I both get cold sores occasionally so I recognize the feeling. And I actually have a little bottle of tea tree oil buried in a bathroom drawer somewhere. I'll have to fish it out and give it a try!

  13. Mmmmm....coffee. I'm ashamed to say (not too ashamed) that I can't get through a day without it! Although I usually drink mine black.

  14. I agree Jamie- A latte makes the day so much more... enjoyable! We use our Starbucks barista machine multiple time through the day. I now have a whipped cream dispenser... danger danger! I have taken Lysine before for cold sores and canker sores. It really helps. It is found in the herb/vitamin section adn i am sure it is fine to give kids- although i'd ask the pharmasist. Poor guy!

  15. Hey James: Thanks for the comments. I think it is funny that Micah doesnt' like to get dirty and Keziah doesn't have a problem with it, cause my boys are exaxtly the same, Reed likes to be clean and Riley could care less, Riley could probably use a bath after every meal as well and he's 2 1/2 already!!! Too funny...

  16. Thanks Jamie, it's beggin to be taken for a real test, aka road trip, but that'll have to wait till the mtn pass' clear right up! GOOD LUCK getting yours today, enjoy and EMBRACE!! lol
    Mine's getting "lorrieized" today, the transfer of ALL the stuff from the car into all the neato little containers and holders and compartments. :)

  17. Hey I borrowed your motivational moms side bar thingy, hope that's ok!! I need the help ;) lol

  18. Those pictures are so cute!!! It seems like hands always work better than spoons!!!

  19. Lucas also hated being fed by anybody (he had oral aversion issues), so we started finger foods very early. Being the slightly obsessive person that I am I have lists of finger foods from all food groups (should I be embarrassed to admit that??) if you need more ideas...
    Cute pictures, as always :)

  20. Ah yes...the days of messing eating and discovering our own independence!!! LOL! It's cute when she goes in with the spoon then stops half way and decides it's much more efficient to eat with her fingers!! LOL!!! Too cute!

  21. Yeah those pills and cream did help. If it happens all the time then I would check with the Dr. about it?!
