Sunday, February 03, 2008


Introducing our new (to us) van:

I'm SO pleased to have my own wheels again. It's been almost a month of being confined to the house and having to borrow cars and shuffle carseats around. Besides the ability to get out of the house again, I am most excited about power locks and automatic opening doors! After manually unlocking four separate doors on our civic every time I wanted to head out with the kids, I am more than thrilled with the ease of keyless entry!!

Micah is getting excited for our upcoming trip to Manitoba. We play airplane at least once a day. When I took this picture, we had taken it another step further and were pretending we were driving in Grandpa's car to the farm in Boissevain:

This next story is funny to me only because of how it goes against Erik's normal behaviour. He's a minimalist. He LOVES to go through our house and find things to get rid of. He hated seeing how many toys the kids got at Christmas and made sure to fill a box with old ones so we wouldn't be overrun by stuff. I agree with him to an extent, but Erik can be kind of extreme with things :) Anyway, I had to laugh when he came home with some presents for the kids the other day. A home-owner that he's been working for was getting rid of some old toys and Erik thought that Micah and Keziah needed to have them. So, he walked in the door after work toting this giant bear and giant turtle! They have been a BIG hit with the kids and I don't think we'll be getting rid of them anytime soon. It's just funny that Erik, of all people, brought them home :)

Micah has been making us so proud these days. We tried taking him to Kids Quest (Sunday School) back in the fall but never had success leaving him there alone. He kept saying that he would go to Kids Quest when he was 3. And sure enough, after his birthday he told us that, since he was 3, he would go to Kids Quest by himself now. He has gone now for the past month and loves it. He still cries when we drop him off, but the teachers calm him down before we're even out the door and he's happy as a peach the whole time we're gone! Swimming lessons have been improving too. At our last lesson, Micah suddenly decided that he could put his whole face in the water. He's been quite pleased with this new skill!

It's been interesting to see how Micah's awareness and interest in God has grown in the past few weeks. Often when we go outside he'll look way up at the sky and yell, "God, can you hear me way up there?" I explain to him that God is everywhere and that Jesus is always with us even though we can't see him, so in the last week Micah has played "chase" with Jesus and sat in the hot tub with Jesus and even left a spot on his bed for Jesus. His perception about Jesus often overlaps with his thoughts on Uncle Nathan. According to Micah they are together somewhere way up in the sky.

I mentioned my new-found love for coffee in my last post and apparently it's Micah's new-found love as well! We let him try a bit of our lattes last week and now every time we make coffee he begs for a sip. This kid is going to be hooked before he reaches Kindergarten. I think his Auntie Elissa will be the proudest of all to hear of his coffee cravings :)

Micah was kind enough to pass his cold sore on to me this week :P Many of you gave some advice/suggestions about them, so I'm trying the tea tree oil Lorrie! Micah has been so compassionate, saying things like "I hope your cold sore gets better, Mommy" or "Be careful of your cold sore!" He decided that all his stuffed animals were getting cold sores too and diligently applied Abreva to each one of them last night. It was really cute:

Keziah has been her usual cute, but sometimes difficult, self. She's had a better couple of weeks overall, but was a bear this afternoon when we went to a Super Bowl party. Overtired, I think. Sundays are tricky for getting kids to nap properly...

I feel like she's starting to look like a big kid already (except for the lack of hair):

That's all for tonight. It's almost time for me to head off to bed...


  1. Yay for the new wheels! Enjoy being "uncool" in your minivan! :) I laughed at your Erik story. Dan is the SAME way! He gets in a mood and then half our stuff gets chucked! I don't think he'd ever bring home new toys, but I guess you never know with these men, do you? And, Tyler is a coffee sipper too. We make sure that he takes sips only when the coffee is decaf...sometimes we even pour him his own mug (with lots of milk and a little bit of coffee). Funny how much they absorb from us, hey?

  2. I am super proud of you Micah! We'll have to go on a coffee date some day! (Maybe your mom can come too?)

  3. Seeing Micah and Keziah playing "driving in the car" brought back so many memories :D ...we used to play that all the time except we used our stairs instead of chairs. :) Both your kids are soo cute!!! ...and I'm with you on the keyless entry feature - love it! Hope you're having a good day today!

  4. We walked past your new wheels at church on sunday with a twinge of jealousy ;) looks great!
    Those toys Erik brought home look awesome! i'll be they ARE a real hit :)
    Congrats to Micah with KidsQuest and swimming lessons!

  5. That is the kind of wheels i want!! I have always wanted a minivan!!

    very adorable pictures of Keziah and Micah!!!

    I agree!! the toys look adorable!!!

  6. Hooray for your new van! What a nice ride. We have the previous version of that, a Previa, and love it. I"m so glad it's making your life easier. You're so creative with playing airplane and car ride with the kids!
    The huge stuffies are great.

  7. Your van looks great, and we are so excited for you guys, and so looking forward to your coming. Can hardly wait to see you guys. love Granny

  8. nice van :)

    good update and cute pics of the kids!

  9. ok - i'll admit. i love the Sienna's. maybe if we got one of those i'd want to keep mine longer. :) i'm very excited for you that you now have a means of transportation - live it up girl! :) too bad i'm not there or we could do some shopping trips! :)
    so excited about Micah staying - i'm sure he has a blast there! what a big boy to make a decision like that on his own!

  10. Love the new ride (and the cute kids!)

  11. Sweet ride!!

    I yearn for a mini van - so sad that I have lost my cool ;-)

  12. If you have time in MB let me know and I can get a few blogger friends together.
    Your kids are getting bigger.
    Is the tea tree oil helping Micah?

  13. Awesome on the van, I'm loving mine too, altho don't tell anyone!! lol
    How's the tea (oops, I just wrote teat! hahaha) tree oil going?? It sure doesn't taste the greatest, but man, even on zits, put it on at night and by morning they are almost gone ;) (not saying you have zits!! lol) Great pics, way too cute on the stuffies, and driving in their chairs. The little gal sure looks big in those last pics, and the little man is sure growing up it sounds like too!

  14. great post as always, way to go Micah - love the leaving room for Jesus on his bed etc. - too cute! i also use tea tree oil on my cold sores - it works great if you catch them early, thankfully my kids don't get them yet.

  15. Congrats on the minivan!!! I was against getting one for the longest time but now I'm loving the extra room and definitely, the keyless entry. Soooo helpful. Keziah definitely does look like a little grown-up(although you're not giving me much hope that Kyra's hair will grow in anytime soon);) I love hearing things that toddlers say and do - like Micah figuring out his perception of God. What a sweetheart. Have a great week!

  16. honestly, i can not remember life without a minivan!! i love mine and although driving mom and dada impala was nice (although i think it was the butt warmers and sattelite radio) I still prefer all the room I have (and my automatic start)
    as for cold sores, i have no advice, thankfully we don't catch them here.
    did you get me email respond back from me?? i have internet back now

  17. oh and one last thing!! micah, i am SO PROUD of your love of coffee!! You would fit in well over here!

  18. Congratulations on the minivan! It's really nice!!

  19. Congrats on the new wheels. And I love the picture of your kids in the "car" on the way to the farm - so cute! And of course, kitty is right in on the action!
    Your kids are so beautiful and Keziah is growing up so quickly!
