Friday, February 29, 2008


The kids and I made it home last night and it is good to be back. We definitely had a rough patch of sickness over the weekend but on Monday Micah made a turn-around and our trip ended on a good note. Yesterday we had some plane changes and delays and made it home a bit later than planned, but all in all, the traveling part went as good as could be expected. A few times people commented on how good the kids were and that felt like the best compliment ever :)

It's kind of a dreary day in Abbotsford, but that's OK. I always notice how tropical it feels here when I get off the plane after being in the prairies. It was nice to have my hair soft and non-static-y again after a nice long shower :)

Anyway, I've got a boat-load of pictures on my camera and I hope to post some in the next few days so stay tuned...


  1. How did flying go with the kids? I am curious to see how Isaiah flys when we come out in April.

  2. Hi Jamie,

    Glad you made it home safe!!!

  3. oOoOOOoh, boat load of pictures! I'm all for that!!

    So happy to hear things went well for you and you are home! You didn't mention Erik, I'm assuming you have seen him already ;)

  4. Ha ha Amber - you made me feel bad for not mentioning Erik, but yes I saw him and it was wonderful. He REALLY missed us and we missed him too :)

  5. Oh no! I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I was just bugging you. AND I was curious how the reunion went :)

  6. Glad you are all home safe! I hope you had a good visit despite the circumstances. We are going to be making a trip out that way again in a week - although we will be on Vancouver Island, and far from you guys this time around.

  7. Hi Jamie, glad you made it back safely. Can't wait to see you on Thursday.

  8. hey Jamen! so glad you are home safe & sound & back with your hubby. i'm sorry you had a bit of a rough time during your trip! i hope it was still well worth it! i can't WAIT to see all your pics...
    went out for supper with C&J last nite & talked about how much we missed you guys! wish you could join us sometime!
    love you.

  9. Really? No static-ey hair in BC? I guess it's time to start looking for a new job in the west! Well, maybe static-ey hair is a bad reason to move...but some days (like today)...
