Monday, February 25, 2008

STILL sick

Micah has been throwing up for 3 days now so we're off to the doctor this afternoon. My sister's little boy in Winnipeg has been the same and their doctor said that there is a flu going around that's the worst he's ever seen. Lucky us! Keziah hasn't been herself the last few days but was not as bad as Micah. She has her appetite back today and was wandering around like a happy little mouse this morning. Micah, on the other hand, clings to me until he konks out in my arms and then I can set him down for a short while before he wakes up again. Not fun. But - thank the Lord - I have not been sick at all.


  1. hang in there! sick kids are so not fun :(

    hope your visit goes well otherwise.


  2. Liam is better today (and this is now day 9) so there is hope for Micah!
    Still has the runs bad though, but he is eating a bit now and drinking.
    Everyone I talk to has a sick kid at home or knows of one and it seems to be flu that lingers for a long time

  3. Hope Micah gets well soon!!!!

  4. Oh Jamie! That's not fun at all. Poor little Micah. I sure hope he gets better quickly.

  5. Sounds like what Isaiah and James had.

  6. Sorry this sickness has put such a damper on your trip. Hope Micah is feeling better REALLY soon so you can all make the most of your time there. Thinking of you guys.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that Micah is still not feeling well, what an awful time for this to happen (not that there is ever really a "good" time to be sick) We'll be praying for him to get better real soon...glad to hear Keziah is feeling better and that you haven't been touched by it

  8. Oh NO! That's no fun at all. I'm so sorry - hopefully Micah begins to feel better soon.

  9. still thinking of you lots!!!! hope things are going well - and maybe you're feeling better by now? :) love you.

  10. Yes, it does sound just like what Isaiah and James had. James was diagnosed as having Rotavirus, which is extremely contagious. Hope they are feeling better now. I heard today that my mother-in-law's best friend is your aunt. :) Small world.

  11. hope things are getting better for you!
