Friday, February 08, 2008


Today I've got my nephew Noah and his family on my mind. His short life has been spent battling the health issues that he was born with and this past week has been especially rough. Brad & Nichole almost lost him yesterday and he is now relying on a ventilator in order to breathe. Please keep them in your prayers as they place the unknown future into God's hands. You can read more about Noah's journey here.


  1. We will certainly be praying.

  2. Our prayers are with them and Noah!

  3. I've been thinking of and praying for them all day.

    I missed your preschool post this week - but wanted to add that I'm really interested in the Wind and Tide preschool as well when that time comes. When I was working in ECE I attended a seminar once that was put on by the director and was really impressed.
    One thing that I learned was to never sign up without observing an entire class time first. Then you can have the feel for how they handle discipline, what the routine is like, what activities are done, if singing is used, etc. Any preschool that refuses that option to parents isn't worth sending your child to.

    Keep us posted!

  4. Poor little guy! We will defintly be praying for him!!

  5. i've been thinking about him so much as i check his blog everyday...thinking of all the extended family too as this has been a long road. love you guys!

  6. Will keep him in my prayers
    Make sure you go to my blog for news.

  7. Dianna - I can't link back to your blog. Can you give me the address again?

  8. Praying for little Noah and your whole family. What an awful and scary reality you're all facing. May God work mightily in healing Noah. Thinking of you lots.

  9. Your family is frequently on my mind Jamie. I have been praying, and will continue to do so.

  10. Is it hard to not be there with your siblings during this time? We'll be thinking of you all.

  11. our kids blankies look the same!! except calebs is blue now. he does have a white one like that tho that he used at her age.
