Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A few pictures

In a week from now the kids and I will be in freezing Manitoba! It's hard to believe how cold it could be there since the weather's actually feeling very spring-like here today. This morning I even heard some summery birds chirping outside.

I'm looking forward to being home, but there's a lot of uncertainty with my nephew Noah's situation so I'm not sure what the scene will be when I get there. So, there are some mixed emotions as I anticipate the trip. I admit I'm also feeling a bit nervous about how the day of traveling will go with two kids. My main concerns are that Keziah gets the sleep she needs that day and that Micah doesn't have to go pee at any inopportune times :)

It's been awhile since I posted new pictures of the kids, so here they are...

UGGHH, I really want my blankie!!

Mommy, can you please help me!!

Ahhh! Much better!

Micah playing with his play-doh dentist set from Granny:

One of Keziah's favourite things to do is play with purses or bags. At least twice a day she finds my diaper bag and strews all the contents across the room:

Erik made a tent with the kids the other night and Micah decided he wanted to sleep under it:

We seem to have a shortage of girl pyjamas that fit Keziah right now so I put her in a pair of p.j.'s that were one of my favourites when Micah was a baby. Here are some pictures of both of them, though Micah was several months younger.

Keziah drawing on the magna-doodle this morning:

That's all for today...


  1. I love that she's sitting on the Magna-Doodle while drawing on it!

  2. Liv loves the diaper bag too! I don't mind one bit as long as it keeps her entertained! I love Keziah's wardrobe. I drool over it everytime I come to your blog. The perks of living in a big city!!

  3. Thoughts and prayers are going out to your nephew from the Hofer's home. Much love..

  4. they look identicle in those pics. The kids are very excited for you to come! It is supposed to warm up next week too,(it is supposed to be -45 here tonight OUCH!)

  5. I love all the pictures! :D especially Keziah siting on the MagnaDoodle - made me giggle. Hope your trip will go okay. Thinking of you guys lots.

  6. very cute pictures!!! we hope the trip goes well for you all!
    as far as pj's go, we only have 2 pairs of summer pj's in Keziah's age range, otherwise we'd hand 'em over!! :)

  7. I've been thinking about your nephew Noah, and praying for the family. It would be wonderful to see you and the kids while you are out here, but obviously I understand that you will be very busy. Thinking of you...

  8. I have to say that I just LOVE all of Keziah's clothes! You always have her in the cutest, trendiest little outfits. Too cute! And I can't believe how much the kids look alike in those jammy pictures.

    Hope your trip to MB is a good one. I'll be continuing to pray for Noah and hope your time there will be a huge blessing in this uncertain time. I'm sure they'll all be SO excited to see you!

  9. I love Keziah's shirt in the first set of pictures.
    Your kids look so much like siblings.
    All the best as you travel out this way.

  10. I love the fact that Keziah is sitting ON the magnadoodle! cute! Your kids really look alike in those pj pictures - unreal! I have been keeping your family in my prayers, especially for little Noah. I will continue to pray for safe travels for your family next week.

  11. It's incredible how much your kids look alike sometimes. Both are so adorable. Love the clothes you put Keziah in, especially the shirt in the first couple of pictures. Hope your travels to MB go well. It's mighty cold here so bring some good winter gear :)

  12. It really is amazing how similar they look! Did Micah actually sleep in the tent? He looks pretty cozy. Marty's doing the same thing as Keziah with his blankies. He's a little fanatical about them. Cute, but sometimes really frustrating.

  13. i have to say - Keziah is looking more & more like you with every picture! and i just LOVe how she keeps herself entertained, i smiled so big looking at these pictures!
    i'm praying for Noah & hoping that you will be able to ENJOY your time at home, as well as feel some happiness from getting to see him...i'll be praying for your flight! things will go great - and don't hesitate to ask the flight attendents for help - they are awesome for that!
    love ya!

  14. Jamie, Micah and Keziah. We are so excited to see you. It will be a breath of fresh air, after all of this uncertainty here. Can hardly wait, and the kids will be fine. Love you and can hadly wait to see mom

  15. Erin - I'm glad to hear it's going to warm up a bit!!
    Rachel - Yes, Micah did sleep in the tent. At least for most of the night. Somewhere in the middle he woke up crying and I put him back in his bed :)

  16. Love the pictures of the kids!!!

    Hope your trip to Manitoba goes smoothly for you!!!

  17. I read on Amber's blog that you might make it out to Rosenort. If you do I'd love to say hi. Perhaps we all could get together?

  18. Jamie, your posts are always so well done, complete with fabulous pictures and narrative.
    I hope that your trip to MB goes smoothly and that you have a good time with family. I've been thinking of and praying for Noah a lot.

  19. Can you invite us into your blog?
    Aunt Doreen & Uncle Gary

  20. Great pics Jamie, man do those two little tykes look alike!!
    I will continue to pray for little Noah, and for you guys for safety and rest and joy as you go back to the freezing cold of Manitoba. :)

  21. Wow do your kids ever look alike! haha It's hard to tell them apart! Those jammies are cute though! Have fun on your trip.

  22. Purses and diaper bags are definitely a favorite of Kyra's:) I look forward to making a tent with her one day - my brother, sisters and I loved building tents when we were younger. Praying for you as fly with the kids and for Noah and his family. Love you pictures!

  23. so much to say about this post but E just walked in the door from playing hockey so i gotta go! just know that i'll be praying for you & the kiddies as you make your way out here. they'll do great! how can't they, look how darn cute they are!!!!!

  24. Make sure you pack your long underwear, it hasn't been very warm here the last little while!!! I hope you have a great flight with the kids, we'll be praying for you!!! ALso, we're remembering little noah in our prayers as well as the rest of his family!!!! Hope you have a wonderful visit!!! By the way, I couldn't believe how similar Keziah and Micah looked in the pj's I really had to look hard!!! But, once I did, I could totally tell them apart!!
