Monday, July 21, 2008

Following Nate

Yesterday was an emotional and meaningful day as we reflected on Nathan's life and the grief of living without him this past year.

We spent some time as a family by Nathan's grave, singing and sharing. It was a warm day and the cemetery was incredibly peaceful.

Rosanna's brother Dan led us in worship:

Dad Toews and Uncle Gary:

Some friends joined us for an evening at The Mark Centre where we worshiped together and shared stories about Nathan; reflecting on his life and how he is leading the rest of us to intimacy with Jesus and to our eternal home with our Creator.

Beside the cross that Erik built, a stone marker was added. It reads:

Following Nate

June 29, 1983 - July 20, 2007

Nathan Toews discovered that his heart came alive when he served the kingdom of God. He walked humbly, led naturally and is now fully alive in the most intimate place with our Creator.

We all miss you so much Nathan...


  1. Okay there go the tears again! What a beautiful and powerful post. I look forward to seeing the cross at the M.C and the tombstone at the grave sight. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thinking of Nate & thinking of your family.

  3. what a beautiful post jamie. those pictures speak a thousand words.

  4. what beautiful pictures of family that has come together in the midst of something so horrible. you are surrounded by so many people that love you - and that makes me smile despite all of the sadness. i thought of your family & prayed for you so much yesterday. we sang Better Is One Day in church yesterday...and though i choked up - i realized that i was smiling because Nathan is LIVING the words of that song, and he does not need to imagine what one day with God would be like. that's EVERYDAY for him! :) love you guys so so much.

  5. Beautiful post Jamie. Thank-you for sharing it with us. We were thinking of you all yesterday and continue to lift you in prayer. Those words about Nate's life are so true.. he lead so naturally and the legacy he left on this earth, continues to lead naturally.
    Sending lots of love and hugs your way.

  6. We've been thinking and praying for you all this past weekend as you take time to reflect on this past year. Wish we were closer to give you all big hugs. Just know we love you. If only we could ALL be where Nathan the presence of the Lord.

  7. we were also thinking and praying for you all this past weekend. May God continue to carry you all through and grant you his peace.

    I agree with Nichole, if only we could all be home with him.

  8. beautiful, Jamie. Glad you were able to have that time together as family and friends.
    continuing to pray for you in this.

  9. Thanks Jamie for the blog. A.Shirley

  10. Thanks for posting Jamie.

  11. thanks for sharing.
    god is blessing you!

  12. Such a beautiful post Jamie! Thank you for sharing a part of your day with us. Your words about Nate are so true to the memories I have of him. We're still praying for all of you.

  13. I am so blessed by you and your family Jamie! Missing Nate with you. Continuing to pray for you guys.

  14. wow, i cant believe its been a year. tears came to my eyes to think of the pain you've all been thru this past year. God bless you and keep you strong in your faith.

  15. Even I, a total stranger to Nate yet feel like I've known him was thinking this past Sunday of you all. What a post! I'm sure God held you all close that day and someday He'll reveal His ways and thinking to you.

  16. Thanks you for sharing - sending you hugs and prayers

  17. Thanks so much for sharing about the day Jamie, especially for those of us who really really wanted to be there. Thinking about you all a lot!
    Thanks again, that is greatly appreciated.

  18. Thanks so much for sharing about this day. I know it wasn't an easy one for any of you but it's so wonderful the way you chose to honor Nate's memory and his life. You've all been in our prayers this year and will continue to be.
