Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Pictures From the Week

Erik's Uncle Gary & Aunt Doreen were visiting last week and Micah befriended them quite quickly.

Here Micah and Doreen are playing with a book they brought for Keziah:

Uncle Gary brought him several airplanes (he has worked as a missionary pilot in Africa for many years) which thrilled Micah. Gary spent some time drawing up an airport on a big piece of paper and Micah has thoroughly enjoyed playing with it:

We celebrated Caleb's first birthday on Monday with a big party. He was as pleasant as ever, smiling it up for all his guests!

Eating birthday cake:

Micah liked the cake too...

Keziah was busy enjoying the sips of coke I put in her cup:

Opening presents:

Micah was coveting his cousins' big haul...

Every birthday boy has his breaking point:

The kids and I had some fun taking pictures on the bed yesterday afternoon...

I love this one:

What a goof.

Micah had a turn with the camera too...

Squishy face:

Eating Keziah:

We're looking forward to a weekend of camping at Radium with some Calgary friends. Pictures of that to come next week...


  1. What fun pictures. I love the airport picture. What a fun thing to play with. Who knows, maybe he'll grow up wanting to be a pilot one day.
    I like the squishy face picture too. You are such a good mommy!

  2. Nice and interesting post. You gotta love kids birthday parties and planning for them!

  3. I absolutely love the squishy face picture! Definately a keeper! :)

  4. such adorable pictures jamie! it's funny how we want to eat our children, huh?! :) hailey says frequently to jayda "you're so cute i just wanna eat you for breakfast!" and then proceeds to pretend to munch her up. wonder where she gets that from?? hmm!

    i too love the pic of m&k laughing & lying in the bed. precious moments. enjoy your sunday!

  5. great pictures! I love the squishy face one :)
    glad to hear Caleb's birthday party was a success!

  6. I loved all the pictures! Especially the squishy face one :) Too cute. Hope you guys had a fantastic time in Radium!

  7. Great photos - squishy face is my fav!

  8. Fabulous photos! Hey! Sometime, we should plan a camping weekend with you guys! That would be a blast!

  9. hee hee, these pictures put a smile on my face..what a fun mommy you are jamie!!!
