Monday, September 15, 2008

Dumbo Saves The Day

Thanks to everyone for their comments on the last post - it's good to hear that Micah is not the only kid who struggles with shy-ness and anxiety. It was relieved to hear the advice about not pushing him too much, because I think it resonates with what I feel comfortable with - and I think there will be plenty of time for him to be "pushed" in the future.

On a positive note, I took him to his second dentist appointment today at Children's Oral Care Centre. Micah was anxious about going today even though last time was a lot of fun and he came home with tons of "prizes". So we decided to bring his "Dumbo" along - a Disney gift from Granny & Grandpa Harder that he has grown quite attached to. Today Dumbo did everything first - riding on the chair, getting his teeth brushed, picking out a prize. It was perfect. And the dentist there is amazing - I don't know how she did it, but she got Micah to lie back with the sunglasses on and mouth opened perfectly while she checked his teeth. We were just going for a check-up since she had noticed some decay at the last appointment, but thankfully she said the spots hadn't grown. The longer we can keep Micah away from the dentist's drill, the better!

I could tell that Micah was so proud of himself when we left the office, toting his new toothbrush, prize water gun, picture of his teeth and, of course, Dumbo!! I would recommend this office to any parent, and I just noticed on their website that they give free dental exams to children under 18 months!

In other news, I think I may have started feeling a wee bit better this week. I noticed a few afternoons where I would forget about my nausea for a few hours and realize that I hadn't been thinking about what I needed to eat next. I also had some spurts of energy where I started organizing things - I haven't been motivated to do anything like that in a LONG time. So, we may be coming around slightly - and rightfully so since I'm officially into my 2nd trimester at 13 weeks and a bit. However, the other morning I woke up with a sore throat and this morning I have a full-fledged cold. It's lousy. And the combination of a stuffy nose/throat, coughing and nausea is NOT a good one. Yuck. I remember getting so many colds when I was pregnant with Keziah and, with this pregnancy being mostly during the winter, I'm sure I will get my fair share again.

I've started to feel the baby moving already, though, which is always exciting. I have my first ultrasound a week from Wednesday and I can't wait!

Here's Keziah enjoying some of the luxuries of her young life; a beater full of cake batter and the last sips of Mommy's coffee...

This is what happens when a 21 month old is just too quiet:

The blackberries are out in full force and we gave some to Caleb when he was over last week. I think he's a fan!

Micah has been picking up the songs on the radio lately - especially since we sing a lot of them in church. Here he singing one of his latest faves, until he is abrubtly stopped by his little sister...

And congratulations to Alf, Kelly & Taeya on the arrival of Ezra Silas! I love his name and I can't wait to meet him!


  1. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better and yay for baby moving!
    Loved Micah's singing - he is quite good! I laughed when I saw Keziah land on top of him, hope he was okay! LOL.

  2. had to laugh at keziah falling on micah.....
    that's sooo great, that micah had a good time at the dentist! i think it's really important for children not to be scared by doctors....for their own sake and their parents:)

    hope that you continue to feel better this coming week!
    any guesses on the baby's gender yet?

  3. Sounds like a good experience at the dentist. So glad Dumbo could help. Also, praying for your cold, and good singing Micah. I am getting excited to see you.Love grnany

  4. Glad you are feeling a wee bit better. Hope your cold doesn't get too bad.
    Is that sudocream Keziah is playing with? Isaiah loves to play with that stuff for some reason.
    And yeah for Dumbo. I like the idea of letting him do everything before Micah did.
    Jamie, you are a great mommy!

  5. Glad you are feeling a wee bit better. Hope your cold doesn't get too bad.
    Is that sudocream Keziah is playing with? Isaiah loves to play with that stuff for some reason.
    And yeah for Dumbo. I like the idea of letting him do everything before Micah did.
    Jamie, you are a great mommy!

  6. Yes, it is sudocrem. The lid comes off WAY too easily on it!

  7. The Keziah ending to the video is perfect - laughed aloud - love it - love you... all of you.

  8. this reminds me (and my mom) of Keith...he was this way (singing...) at this I know why they get along so great! Hope things are well! Let me know when you come this way, I'd love to touch base!

  9. Hi Jaime, I just came across your post recently.

    Thank you very much for your kind words. This is what I am supposed to, and love to do - making children at ease at the dental office. I have to give credits to Dumbo as well :)!

    Sorry the thank you came a little late.

    We have recently developed a kid-oriented website for children to have fun and help them to overcome their dental anxiety. If you have time, please visit

    PS. Micah's singing video is priceless, especially the ending with Keziah's special appearance!
