Wednesday, September 17, 2008

On the Bandwagon

Everyone in our family thinks we're having twins. Well, at least there are a few die-hards who seem to be riding the "twin bandwagon" - my own mother included. I have to admit I've been thinking about the possibility a lot. Ever since my doctor was surprised at the size of my uterus it's been on my mind. I really don't think it's possible for me to be further along, so twins was my immediate thought. Since then my mind has been reeling with the possibility. This pregnancy does feel a little different, but I tell myself it's all in my head and try to dismiss the thoughts. Then my mom tells me that there are twins (maybe more than 1 set) in our family history, and that sends my thoughts off on another rampage...

At this point, the ultrasound just can't come fast enough.

Today at 13.5 weeks


  1. You look so good!
    Wow, twins...that could be fun! :)
    When is your ultrasound?

  2. Not going to lie to you Jamie... I may just be joining that bandwagon :) That bump is looking fairly "developed" already :)

  3. I was sent for an early ultrasound when my midwife thought my uterus was bigger than my dates showed, it was a little nerve-wracking, but obviously we only had 1. God knows what He's doing and everything will work out perfectly for your family. Blessings to you all!!

  4. hee hee, i had a twins 'scare' when i was pregnant with jayda too ;) it's kind of fun...and frightning at the same time!!!! you are looking great jamie! here's hoping wednesday comes quickly for you.

  5. Twins?! How fun would that be? I always wanted twins... maybe not the third time around though ;)
    Can't wait to find out now!

  6. Your looking really good Jamie. Grandma had a brother and sister who were twins, and I might be wrong about my family, but I will check it out. Hope you are feeeling better everyday. Love

  7. I always thought having twins would be fun, think of all the cute matching things you could dress them up in.

  8. Twins or not - you are beautiful!

  9. You are looking great - twins - it would be a big change but if there is anyone who could do it would be you. Can't wait to hear how many you have in there.

  10. I have to agree with the comments that you are looking fantastic! Looking forward to hearing the news :)
    I just listened to the video of Micah singing, and it is so cute! He can really carry a tune!

  11. I agree with everyone you look great. I also had a twin "scare" with Alexis...I remember how nerve racking and slightly exciting that is :) I hope Wednesday comes really fast for you.

  12. i think you look tiny and it is your third so be prepared for people to think you are having twins, triplets or quadruplets!! ha ha

    and twins are both hereditary and totally random so it could happen to anyone ;P

    looking forward to finding'd have a shorter gestation period too...something to look forward to maybe?

  13. I think it would be so very exciting to have twins. Twice the blessing! I'll be praying for you! I can't wait to hear what you find out! Are you planning out the gender(s)?

  14. Twins, hey? Looking forward to the u/s now too!

  15. oooohhhhh....

    now we're all on the edge of our seats!!!

  16. thinking of you today!!! hope the ultrasound goes really really well!! excited for you guys!!
