Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Whispers From Jesus

Last night as we were getting ready to go watch Erik play hockey I was nagging Micah to get dressed. He was staring off in the distance and when he finally snapped out of it he said, "I heard somebody whispering in my ear."

Me: "Really? Was it Jesus?"

Micah: "Yeah!"

Me: "What did he say?"

Micah: "He said 'I love you.' And he said, 'I will always go with you.'"

Me: "Even to Daddy's hockey game?"

Micah: "Yeah!"


  1. wow - that is SO precious!

  2. You are such a good mommy because you are teaching your children and raising them up in the Lord. You are teaching them the importance of hearing God's voice. That is a precious gift.

  3. That actually gave me goosebumps! So precious.

  4. Too precious. I love how God speaks through kids.

  5. Jesus is actually a Canucks fan, but I'm sure he enjoys watching Erik's games too ;)

  6. That was beautiful. Micah, you are growing up too fast!! Wish I didn't have to miss it all!

  7. What a great moment, Jamie! Thanks for sharing.

  8. We pray for you guys everyday, but Wednesday is my to pray for you specifically, and this morning I prayed for Micah, that he would grow up to be a man of faith,and stand for righteousness and truth. I see God has answered that prayer already. Love you Micah.......granny

  9. Wow! A good lesson FROM Micah - that we should all stare into the distance a little more often and listen to Jesus. Shirley

  10. I firmly believe that it truly was God that whispered in your son's ear. That is so priceless that He knew the voice of God. Keep on teaching them about our awesome God!

  11. What a great moment. Thank you for sharing that.

  12. Oh how very precious. You guys are amazing parents!

  13. Doesn't that just bring tears to your eyes? The Holy Spirit doesn't ignore our precious children! Instead, He uses them to teach us! I love this story, Jamie!

  14. that is very cool. and it's awesome that you are writing these things down, as they are easy to forget (sometimes). you can remind micah of this conversation with Jesus for many years to come.

  15. is it ok that i'm crying?
    i love your heart Micah!
