Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today the speculations were put to rest as the ultrasound confirmed that there is just one baby growing in my belly. Thankfully, this was the first time I was able to watch her do the entire ultrasound on a seperate screen, so I didn't have to lie there waiting and wondering any longer than necessary (though at the end I did ask her to check and make sure there weren't any more in there :)

I think this was the best ultrasound I've had in terms of the size of the baby. I've had ultrasounds at 9 weeks, 23 weeks and 18 weeks. This one was done at 14.5 weeks and the baby was just so amazingly little and cute! I couldn't believe how much it was moving and I realized I'm not feeling very many of its movements yet. I think I will be in for some good kicks and punches once it gets a little stronger! Even the technician commented on how active he/she was.

Baby holding hand up to his/her face:

Baby legs:

The technician said my dates were only one day off according to her calculations - which didn't surprise me, though it would've been nice to find out I was further along! So, my uterus must have just been so excited to be pregnant again that it decided to grow extra fast at the start or something... lol.

There was relief mixed with a bit of disappointment knowing there was only 1 - I admit twins would've been fun! And having twins would've settled the debate Erik and I have about whether we should have 3 kids or 4. However, when I think of the logistics of 4 babies 4 & under, I am thankful to just have them one at a time :)


  1. what a blessing that 3rd little toews baby is :)

  2. Glad the ultrasound brought answers and probably some feelings of relief knowing there is only one in there... 4 kids under 4 sounds like quite the handful :)
    Hope this pregnancy continues to go well for you!

    PS: How is the packing going? Don't you guys move into your new place fairly soon??

  3. What a cutie that little baby is! Glad to hear all is well.

  4. great pictures of Baby Toews!!! glad to hear you were able to get a clear answer on how many and when :) I definitely found that my uterus got a little 'eager' to grow at the beginning this time too, but it eventually evened out (aside from the 2lbs difference from Taeya to Ezra. haha).

  5. Those pictures are just perfect! Isn't it amazing that at 14 weeks, such a perfectly formed and active baby is in there?!? Such a testimony to the fact that a loving and creative God exists! Wow! How cool!

  6. Great pictures! I always think twins would be fun...if they are someone elses!!

  7. The first words out of my mouth was, "baby Toews is cute already!" I am glad it went well and that you got some great pictures too. I love the one of the baby kicking it's legs. Wow, what a precious little life you have growing inside. I am excited that we will still be around in March so I can meet the baby. I love little babies!

  8. I agree with the latest comment. So cute! I think it's a girl who will be a beautiful ballerina, but that's just me!

  9. i can understand how twins might have been kinda exciting! :) our specialist says that if we do ANY invasive treatments, there's no question we will have twins...and that would be the minimum. hence why i'm thinking we don't want to go that far into treatment! :) :)
    so excited for you guys! :) so when is your duedate then? will we get to meet this new little Toews when we come to visit next spring??
    love you guys!

  10. I will continue to pray for the health and safety of your little one. A little tough for me to see those pictures, I'll admit it, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm thrilled for you!

  11. Janelle - I'm due March 21. When will you guys be out here??

  12. very cuet pictures!!! Glad everything is going alright for you

  13. those are great ultrasound pics! the baby legs are perfect :) awwwww
    well, i am glad for you its not twins. it would be really hard, i'm sure :) although i felt kind of like you in that it would have been nice to have two now, so i wouldnt have to have another pregnancy.

    looking forward to watching you grow!
    God bless :)

  14. Your ultra sound pictures are so clear and little Toews looks like he/she will be another cutie! I'm glad you won't have to figure out the logistics of 4 under 4 too :-0

  15. Such a cutie! I loved being able to take that early sneak peek. Don't worry about showing... I was Ginormous at 3 months, everyone was sure it was twins too! But now at 29 weeks, I think it has all evened out and I am close to the same size I was the first time.
    Congrats, Hope you have an enjoyable pregnancy!

  16. Jamie,
    I too was large early this time around, and I thought I was having twins or triplets (yikes!), especially since my dad is a triplet. I remember the Sunday before we started telling people I was singing with Bernard on stage, and I felt like EVERYBODY knew I was pregnant. I felt like saying into the mic, "Yes, everybody, I am pregnant!" And my first ultrasound wasn't until 23 weeks to confirm or deny the multiples idea. Now at 37 weeks I haven't gained as much weight with this one as with Ezra (which was LOTS) but a bit more than with Kala.
    I'm excited for you, Jamie - I hope everything continues to go well!

  17. Those ultrasound pictures were beautiful!!! Glad that all is well with baby, and you're looking fantastic!!

  18. I have been lurking for over a year now and just had to comment on this post as a mother of twins.
    I found out at 19 weeks that I was pregnant with twins - I had told my girlfriend right before the U/S that I was either farther along or had two babies in there. Twins are fun, though I don't know if I could've handled it with another toddler as well. I think 4 under 4 would be insane as 3 under 3 is a little nuts sometimes.
    Congratulations on the new babe - the U/S pics look amazing!
