Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Misc. from the Thanksgiving Weekend

Erik and Micah went fishing with Doug last Saturday. It sounds like they had a great time despite not catching anything. Doug modified a fishing rod for Micah by putting a small ball on the end. We're not sure if Micah actually expected to catch anything with it, but he had fun casting it into the water.

Erik and I spent a good part of our weekend organizing and packing. We've been packing things slowly as we don't need them, so that it won't be an overwhelming process once we get closer to our move (in about a month). In the process, we emptied out the storage area that was behind our couch and made it into a playroom. This was a brilliant idea as it occupied the kids for many hours while we got some work done!

The first picture is the view from out in our living room, the second picture is taken from inside:

After church, I tried getting some pictures of the kids in their Sunday clothes. It didn't go so well...

On Monday, the siblings got together to learn the game SingStar. I thought you'd all enjoy this little sampling of Erik and Doug singing an 80's ballad:

Keziah actually broke one of our plates during the taping of that video - which I didn't notice until later!

She is extremely stubborn and independent which is communicated by her newest phrase: "do it!" (in other words: "I want to do it myself so don't you dare try to help me!!") And she is full of mischief - she found the baking powder yesterday and this was the predictable result:


  1. What a great post. First I cried for awhile, and then I you all.

  2. my girls both have that owl shirt k is wearing...we should shop together sometime!

  3. Man, where do I get me some Singstar? Dinner parties and sunday afternoons will never be the same. My favorite part is where Erik breaks out of his falsetto and into his regular voice. Very nice.

  4. Funny video! That would be such a fun game to play! Cute picture of Keziah with the baking powder - things I have to look forward to yet - LOL!

  5. I love the video. Trev thought it was fun to watch too.
    Perhaps Keziah will teach Isaiah some fun stuff to get into on Monday! :0)

  6. i agree What a great post!

    I like the photo of Micah and Keziah looking at each other!!!! So adorable!

  7. That video was too funny and a little hurtful on the ears!!! And to answer your question, our snow is almost all gone now. The temps are sure still pretty chilly in the mornings. I'm already scraping the windows!!! I bet you don't miss that. Love The Glen one

  8. wow, jason and i enjoyed that little glimpse of erik and doug... :) thanks!

  9. these are the posts that really make me wish we lived SO much closer.
