Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Remembering the Huge-ness

Today I'm starting to feel BIG. Bending over is getting to be a challenge and I'm already noticing a waddle in my walk. I'm not even half-way through this pregnancy and I just feel... fat.

I found a picture of myself today from about 2 years ago when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Keziah and it started to sink in that I was going to get that big... again.

October 2006:


  1. lol, at first I thought that was a picture of you NOW! Glad you aren't quite that big yet!!

  2. Your hair was cute that short.
    You don't look fat at all. You look great in my opinion.

  3. But don't forget, my friend, that you did such an amazing job at getting back to the little tiny you! Some of us didn't quite master that. And I'm sure you'll do it again in no time. :)

  4. I've always thought you looked great pregnant - and never huge or fat. Hope you are feeling good.

  5. just remember how handy it is to have that built-in table/shelf :)
    But I agree with the above comments: you look great now, you did with your last pregnancy (probably with Micah too, i just didn't know you then), and you got back to your petite size pretty fast after Keziah was born!

  6. I think you look fabulous Jamie! I've always been mesmerized at how quickly you bounce back to your tiny size after your deliveries. I can only hope for that gift one day!

  7. Yeah, it's a bit scary knowing that the getting HUGE part, and the delivery part of being pregnant is still coming! How are you finding being pregnant with number 3 and two other busy little ones? I'm a bit scared.....
    Anyways, Jamie, you look great - you did then and you do now! And, like a previous commenter said, you always bounce right back into "skinny" clothes, so I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :)

  8. lol. pregnant, but beautiful. even you full term is a lot smaller than some!!

  9. so much to look forward to :) you'll do great!

  10. so much to look forward to :) you'll do great!

  11. just look forward to having that shelf again for your plate!! Look on the bright side of things! :) are you feeling like this pregnancy is a deja vous? I remember with Livi I felt like it was a strange dream... since it had all happened not so long ago. enjoy the belly- the one time in life you look foward to gaining weight and being able to eat all you want... the one time in life when having a big belly is in style!! ;)
